Lasting Impact! New Line Up- 2021 Fall Speech and Debate Clubs and Opportunities

I know it sounds crazy, but are you ready for fall!? There is something exciting about the planning process that I absolutely love! Therefore, I thought you might like a hint as to what is in store through Lasting Impact!

Online Speech Club –

Meet with students from across the country learning together the Art of Communication. Lead by Heather Neumann, the Ms Frizzle of the competitive speech world. This one semester club will meet weekly, and teach valuable lessons to implement into Speech and Debate. Each student will perform and have a speech ready by the end of the semester.

Interp Club – NEW

Grow your interpretive skills with this new innovative club. Students will grow through a variety of experiences- cold reading, monologues, play reading, prose, and much more. Students will also be preparing an interpretive piece used for competition. This club will meet weekly, first semester and is lead by Heather Neumann.

Apologetics Club –

Come and grow and figure your out how you would answer questions of your faith. Weekly meetings include elements of learning how to compete in Apologetics, but mostly diving into how one would answer such questions as explain the meaning and significance of the trinity, why does God allow evil, etc.

Limited Prep Club –

Who couldn’t benefit from learning to think on their feet better. This unique club will explore the elements of putting together your thought process. The main focus of this club will be Impromptu Speaking, but other Limited Prep events will be covered.

Debate Clubs –

As always, Lasting Impact! plans to offer both beginning and advanced Debate Clubs for both Team Policy and Lincoln Douglas Debate.

The Debate Circuit –

Yes! The Circuit will be back! Weekly rounds via Zoom to help your cases get refined. There will also be an outrounds included. The Circuit starts late Sept and ends before Thanksgiving.

Junior Opportunities –

Speech and Debate doesn’t need to start in High School. Lasting Impact! will also be offering Order in the Court again with Julie Romeo, Beginner Speech – for students ages 9-12, and Debate Readiness with Amy Eichholz.

In addition to all of these fantastic clubs we have a plethora of information for families, club leaders, and coaches. We are putting together NEW worksheets and videos to help simplify the teaching process. We are excited for what the 2021-22 has in store! Whether you are online or in person, Lasting Impact! aims to have the resources you need to succeed! Registration will be opening up SOON! Space will be limited.

Don’t forget Summer Camps are right around the corner!! Contact us if your club wants to have the Lasting Impact! Team come your way!! Please contact us if your have any questions!!

Sign Up for a Lasting Impact! Winter Workshop this weekend- FREE Coaching Session!

Happy New Year! Now is the time to keep moving forward!! That’s right- if you sign up for one of our Winter Warm Up Workshops today or tomorrow- you will receive a FREE Coaching Session with the coach of your choice! Choose from…

More Winter Workshops may be added in the weeks to come- but now is the opportunity to jump on this offer! Simply order a Winter Workshp and you will receive a FREE Coaching Session (coaching session must take place this winter/spring 2021 season). Go to the SHOP under OnLine Classes to sign up, or click HERe, or click the links above. Remember, Workshops are recorded at no additional charge.

Understanding and Adjusting to Online Delivery by: Kristi Eskelund

If you are competing in Speech and Debate this year, the likelihood of you competing online is HIGH. Some people may think, "no big deal," but I strongly advise to walk in (to your bedroom and virtual room) prepared!! Sign up for the Lasting Impact! Online Prep Workshop HERE. We will be covering 20 items that we hope you are considering with your online set up- the difference between virtual and in person, how you debate, how you judge, positioning, and more! The workshop will be recorded and is included in the price! Don't take my word- read Kristi's article, she has taught online, judged online, and her son has attended school online. Listen and read her understanding on how you need to think about your online environment...

We didn’t foresee COVID-19, or the shut-down that ensued in its wake. We CAN however see that the tide has perhaps taken a permanent turn toward more online communication. There are certainly trade-offs, but the paradigm IS shifting. Employees and students ARE seeing that they can be productive in a remote environment, and in many cases, they are enjoying the very flexibility that has always marked the home school community. I think we can safely say that a percentage of college instruction, office meetings, sales negotiations, etc. will continue to stay online for the foreseeable future. While some of that programming may shift back, you are likely going to have to learn to be powerful and compelling as a communicator in the online format. Even the not-so-novice speaker has a learning curve here...

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Do Apologetics!! By: Emalyn Sharp

As is usually the case with me, it wasn’t my idea to compete in Apologetics. It was one of those things that I was cool observing from a distance but didn’t want to participate in myself. My mother had other ideas though and decided that it would ‘be good for me.’ Oh, how I hated those words. It was only my second year in Speech and Debate and I was absolutely terrified. Apologetics sounded complicated and scary. Apologetics was going to be miserable, and I was going to make a fool of myself…

Continue reading “Do Apologetics!! By: Emalyn Sharp”

From Virus to Virtue (The Need For Lifetime Debate) by: Laurie Dawson

Laurie Dawson went from teaching a couple Lincoln Douglas Debate students to 40! This year, she is teaming up with Lasting Impact! to create two LD Clubs for Stoa. She has a passion to help students become life long thinkers. Laurie’s approach as a coach is innovative and heavily focused on personal engagement, aiming far beyond the high school debate realm and into adulthood. Passionate about teaching students to think and reason for themselves, Laurie believes competitive debate catalyzes both intra- and interpersonal development. The skills Laurie refined in business and non-profit leadership are the same skills imparted to her Lincoln Douglas debaters:
– to assess, research, and organize large amounts of information
– to employ traditional logic when constructing and deconstructing arguments
– to reason and persuade whilst maintaining moral and ethical integrity
Laurie coaches toward the mastery of these foundational skills and then builds upon them – line up on line. Her modern approach to classroom learning has resulted in many, even first year debaters, becoming national qualifiers…

Continue reading “From Virus to Virtue (The Need For Lifetime Debate) by: Laurie Dawson”

Online Apprehension For Speech and Debate? By: Stacy Edmond

The concept of online speech & debate clubs, classes and tournaments, were, not too long ago, just about unheard of. Now, they are our new reality. Until recently, I was one of the many that thought the whole notion of any of our beloved speech & debate activities being done online, absolutely absurd and totally impossible. Boy, was I wrong…

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Last Week to Register – Online Clubs, Classes, and Tournament Circuit

It’s been a fantastic summer!! Yet, we are ready to see what God has in store for us NEXT! The question is, are you?!? This fall Lasting Impact! is bigger than ever – online clubs, classes, and tournaments! Classes and Clubs start the week of or after Labor Day. The Online Tournament Circuit starts the end of the September. Be sure you register today! Want to learn more information about these online opportunities – read on…

Continue reading “Last Week to Register – Online Clubs, Classes, and Tournament Circuit”

Preparing Your Younger Student For Debate? By: Amy Eichholz

We are so blessed to have Amy Eichholz as part of the Lasting Impact! Team! She has been teaching Beginner Debate for years, and has seen the benefits through her own children, as well as the numerous students who have had her as a coach. We are excited to offer Debate Readiness to our online community. For more information on the class click HERE or go to the SHOP on our site, OR keep reading to hear Amy’s heart on preparing young debaters…

Continue reading “Preparing Your Younger Student For Debate? By: Amy Eichholz”

Exercising Discernment Through Biblical Extemporaneous By : Eric Meinerding

​I have known Eric Meinerding for quite a few years. I knew him as a growing competitor, I was at his house when he received a full ride scholarship into college, I’ve seen him grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. I’ve seen him now, graduate college and choose ministry, even though he very clearly could have gone straight to law school. I have seen him mentor and coach hundreds of students and I am so blessed to have him a part of the Lasting Impact! Team (after all he was one of the original Online Apologetics crew back in 2014). I am thrilled he wants to take lead on this Current Events Class/ Extemp Club!! Read his heart on what this fall class/club will look like…

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Imagination by: Denise Montgomery

Denise Montgomery has a passion for literature, speech and debate, and English. Which is why she created Creativity for English and Beyond – one of the CLASSES offered through Lasting Impact! this fall. Did you know Lasting Impact! offers over 20 different opportunities to connect through classes and clubs? Check them all out in the SHOP. I hope you hear Denise’s heart in this article…

Being creative can be duck soup if we allow ourselves to be free. Ah, and therein is placed the stumbling block: free.

Imagine this: you wake up and see the day through a child’s eyes, experiencing everything of the day in the miraculously free way a child can. Wow! Sign me up for that day of days gone by…

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Storytelling: The Beginning Speaker’s Greatest Weapon by: Anna Fox

I was the first of my siblings to enter the daunting world of public speaking. For me, it happened as it has happened to many others: my mother informed me that I would be doing Speech and Debate, and no amount of terror and pleading on my part could convince her otherwise. Of course, like so many before me, I soon fell in love with the activity and the deep friendships that were ripe to be formed in this environment.
I joined in mid-December, and in January headed off to the first tournament armed with a Lincoln-Douglas case and an After-Dinner Speech. As a beginner speaker thrown into the deep end, I was forced to learn quickly how to stop my knees from shaking, and how to think on the fly. Nowhere was this more evident than in the category of impromptu. Over a year, I learned how to go from fifth-and-below in impromptu to winning a tournament.

The secret? Stories.

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TP or LD? – A Parent (and Coach and Judge) Perspective by: Stacy Edmond

Arne Duncan, then Secretary of Education, said in 2010, “debate is uniquely suited to build skills required of a modern citizen, including critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.”

Most of us in the world of education would agree that competitive debate is a valuable activity for students of all skill levels, however, the style of debate preferred or which format a student new to debate should begin with, is, well, up for debate…

Continue reading “TP or LD? – A Parent (and Coach and Judge) Perspective by: Stacy Edmond”