Unlocking the Power of Interpretive Speeches

Is this your year to try an interpretive speech? It’s not too late to jump in! Not sure where to begin or want to get on a FAST TRACK? Join me and Mrs. D for Fast Track Interp. We will be your very own guides through the World of Interp. Sign up now! Or keep reading this article on WHY you need to add an interpretive speech to your high school speech and debate career!

You might be wondering, "Why on earth should we care about these speeches?" Well, you're in for a treat because interpretive speaking isn't just another high school requirement – it's a valuable skill that can benefit you in countless ways. So, let's break it down and discover why interpretive speeches are worth your time and effort.

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A Recipe for Regionals or The National Championship

Ahhh- yes, another baking recipe article from someone who does not like to cook or bake, but I do know how to write a speech, coach a speech, teach public speaking, and prepare for the next level of speech and debate competition! 

Whether you are heading to your Regional Championship, National Championship, or simply the last chance to achieve your goals, it’s time to relook at your speeches and make sure they have some key ingredients…

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Platform Checklist by Alaina Hoyt

If you have ever spent hours writing a speech only to have it be wordy, factual, or even like an essay, this platform checklist is for YOU!  It can be tricky to clearly and concisely convey your points in an exciting way without the so-called “meat”, main points, or the body of your speech being lost. Heather Neumann has created step-by-step guide (and the worksheet/handout is even included in the Speech Grab and Go Guide - HERE), you’ll not only be checking off each box but wowing your audience and judges! Heather has taught and coached thousands of students, including Ted Talk speakers, she knows what a good speech looks like and how to keep the audience’s attention! Perhaps going through this list you will realize what your speech is missing…

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Beyond the Story Example: Advanced Tips To Add Spice To Your Impromptu Speech by: Honor (Persing) Hoffmann

Most people think of impromptu examples as stories. Almost always, that’s the way it plays out: whether you’re telling the story of someone’s life (Beethoven overcame challenging life circumstances to compose beautiful music), a plot point from a book (When Frodo took the ring to Mount Doom, he relied on his friend Sam), or even a personal anecdote, you’re relying on storytelling. There’s nothing wrong with this–in fact, story is a powerful way to connect with people and draw them into your narrative…

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How To Decide? Selling Your Speech Topic Idea

You have probably heard me before talk about this part of your Speech and Debate Journey… welcome to the Exploratory Phase - the time when you should be exploring ideas, options, cases, even books (please tell me you aren’t only using a search engine)! Honestly, this is one of my favorite times - I have stacks of books scattered around my house, coaching appointments are made up “idea generating sessions”, the TV, radio, newspaper could give me a lead on the next best idea! So why is it that so many people struggle with this Phase!!?

While you are in the Exploratory Phase… you need to do just that - EXPLORE! How else are you going to decide what you want to talk about for the next 4-10 months (you think I am over exaggerating, but I’m not). In order for you to make progress… you actually have to put in the work! Here, I’ll help- I will break it down in a little check list for you to decide if you will be able to sell your idea to your future audience…

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Understanding and Incorporating Cultural Relevance – Finding Your Topic and Voice by: Kristi Eskelund

We live in changing and turbulent times in which we are made increasingly aware of upheavals in our melting pot culture that stem in part from a carelessness in speaking and acting. If you are going to become a public speaker, it’s important that you consider how to be a relevant speaker.

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Happy Fourth! (4th of July Inspiration)

Ok- so I didn’t post this yesterday, because no one would have read it! I waited until the day after when you are ready to get to work! Ahhh- The Fourth of July! Does anyone feel like the summer is halfway over? Or is it just beginning? Needless to say, I decided to use today to provide some inspiration! Ideas inspired by the fourth…

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Have You Taken The I-Test for Your Speech? by: Juliana Scheopner

Last week, we posted and wrote about how nonverbal communication skills can help elevate you, as a speaker. But the content in a speech is also important. Heather Neumann likes to share the I-Test with her students and Ted Talk clients. The I-Test is a series of questions she came up with, you can ask yourself to determine if your topic, as well as the content is a good choice for your speech. She believes these four things can make a huge impact on your judges or audience, whether they realize it or not. If you have already selected your topic or written your speech, you can still use the I-Test to see if there is anything you should add to improve your speech. 

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Attributes of a Good Communicator by: Juliana Scheopner

Have you ever wondered what makes someone a good communicator? “She’s a natural! He is so talented!” We hear phrases like this all the time in competitive Speech and Debate. However, is it the words and the content of the speech OR the person who is doing the effective communicating? Is it the way the communicator is presenting OR the speech, itself? Could someone else give the speech just as well? Think about it. Heather Neumann breaks down the attributes that should be noticed (if you are looking) during one of her weekly classes...

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Observe, Think, Practice by: Juliana Scheopner

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ~ Chinese Proverb

Heather Neumann has been teaching a Public Speaking Class or Club for over a decade. Each year she prays about the lesson plan- the journey she is about to embark on with her students. At this point she has literally coached thousands of students, both nationally and internationally. I have been one of her students, I have sat in her Zoom Room watching apprehensive beginner students turn into writers, speakers, and more importantly confident human beings. Mrs. Neumann has given me permission to share her ideas with you this year. A first hand glance at what she is teaching. This year’s mantra for her classes and clubs - Observe, Think, Practice! Sounds easy. These three little words can really pack a punch if we put them to work and are being purposeful. Every year she has a new perspective or way to wrap our brains around God given gift and privilege we call the art of communication. Each week she offers us students a challenge on how we can implement her lessons, and how they can make an big IMPACT, not only in Public Speaking, but for life... Are you ready to observe, think, and practice? If so- be ready to GROW...

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Vocal Variety by: Kristi Eskelund

It’s on every ballot. Whether you compete online or in person, it's one of the subtle speaking skills that an untrained listener will intuitively understand without necessarily knowing what to call it. Some speakers are just more pleasant to listen to as they speak, and you can learn to be one of them!

When you hear the term ‘vocal variety’ what do you think it involves?

What kind of variety could you get out of your palette of primary colored paints? Lots, right? How do you get that variety? By mixing in various amounts, obviously! While it may not be quite as intuitive, the same principle applies to your voice and its qualities. You can mix and match these to give a variety of results that make you more auditorily pleasing to your audience. A novice speaker is going to be concerned with writing a speech and memorizing it and getting it delivered. A not-so-novice speaker can begin to deliver it well using more vocal variety.

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The Power of Pauses and… Many Applications of Timing by: Kristi Eskelund

I like the Dictionary.com definition of timing:
“the choice, judgment, or control of when something should be done.”

I like this definition because of these words: choice, judgement, and control. These words emphasize that much of what we call timing as it pertains to public speaking depends strictly upon the speaker. The speaker chooses how to control the tempo to direct the responses and reactions of the audience.

There are actually several angles to consider when discussing pauses and timing as they apply to becoming a good public speaker.

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