Picking YOUR Perfect Interp Piece


Kristi and I both agree that we don’t know what those 5-7 random judges will want to hear or see in the final round in the middle of June (at The National Championship). Some competitors stew and anguish over picking their piece or topic. Some cut and recut, some choose new pieces all together… Mid-season!

Here is some advice when picking your perfect Interp piece… Continue reading “Picking YOUR Perfect Interp Piece”

Heather’s Top Places to Find an Interp Piece

By: Heather Neumann


This is probably one of the most asked questions for my kids and me. The fact of the matter is, I have "a vault" of stashed possible Interp pieces for future years and for kids I coach. I know Kristi has one too! Once we find a book that could be a possible speech, they go in to "the vault"... Ok so really, it's just a book shelf, but it sounds so much more exciting as a vault! So, where did find them? It's like looking for treasure...

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