Platform Speeches- Picking Your Topic


Spending some quality time researching and thinking about what you want to speak about is a pretty great idea. It's an important decision on your "Platform Journey". I actually keep an on-going list of ideas (and I'm not even a competitor). You should too! With phones that take notes and access to computers, jotting down a few ideas that you can explore when your ready to dive in, is pretty easy. This list doesn't start when the speech season starts... It's on-going.

There are so many fascinating subjects, people, events, etc. I honestly don't know if I was competing, if I would ever be able to choose?

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Thinking about Biblical Presentation

In 2015, the NCFCA introduced a new Speech category- Biblical Presentation. Having coached several qualifying National BP's, including the first place National Champion. I analyzed the Biblical Presentation category and saw this as an exciting opportunity for competitors to learn a new interpretation skill. Here is how we tackled the learning curve of this new speech...

Lucas Meineidig performs his Biblical Interpretation

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Forming a Duo Team

By: Heather Neumann


Every year I can't wait to see what partnerships God will bring together! Duos can bring a lot of joy to one's heart, however sometimes it can bring frustration and disappointment. As a duo- you are a team. And if you are not siblings- your team includes your duo partner’s family.

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Rules, Rules, Rules


You are working on a hot topic.  You have a killer idea for a speech this year.  You want to try something outside-the-box in one of your interps.  This is the kind of thinking I LOVE!  I get excited  when I have conversations along these lines with my students.  But I always advise them to check the rules BEFORE they get too deep in the development.

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Preparing an Impromptu- or Any Written Speech (Part 4)

By: Kristi Eskelund


There ARE things you can do at a tournament, before a round to help you have something to talk about in impromptu. The need is to have LOTS of bits and pieces brought forward to the front of your mind where they are ready for you to use them. Here are a few ways to do that:

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Preparing an Impromtu- or Any Written Speech (Part 2)

By: Kristi Eskelund


Content deals with the WHAT of your piece. What is it about and what exactly are you saying about it? Are you expressing an opinion of your own? Are you refuting or agreeing with someone else’s opinion? Are you answering a question?

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Preparing an Impromptu- or Any Written Speech (Part 1)

By: Kristi Eskelund

imageWhen I was a student myself, I competed in a UIL event called Ready Writing. This essentially was an impromptu essay competition that required competitors to produce an essay on the spot after any given a prompt. It was judged on a number of factors including the articulateness of the response, the ability of the writer to allude to other sources, the use of stylistic devices, and of course, correct usage of grammar and spelling! Years, later, when the College Board added an essay component to the SAT exam, the parameters of that exam looked an awful lot like my old Ready Writing requirements, and at that time I began teaching workshops on how to write that essay for a maximum score. I realized in the process that most of my material actually crossed over into preparing for limited prep speeches as well! The main points I always hit on are developing your structure, content, and style and then getting a LOT of practice! After that, you can develop some real strategies.

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Heather’s Top Places to Find an Interp Piece

By: Heather Neumann


This is probably one of the most asked questions for my kids and me. The fact of the matter is, I have "a vault" of stashed possible Interp pieces for future years and for kids I coach. I know Kristi has one too! Once we find a book that could be a possible speech, they go in to "the vault"... Ok so really, it's just a book shelf, but it sounds so much more exciting as a vault! So, where did find them? It's like looking for treasure...

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You Can’t Own an Idea

By: Heather Neumann


Anyone with an idea or concept is capable of giving a powerful speech! But what if that theme has been done before? What if Cinderella was done last year? The Sneeches has been done thousands of times! No one can claim ownership of an idea. However you can claim ownership of your OWN Speech. And just like you are unique - the Speech you create will become uniquely yours! You don't even have to come up with a rocket science invention.

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The Importance of Originality

By: Kristi Eskelund


Not going to lie….it’s HARD to do an original work these days. If you are working on an interpretation of a piece of literature, it’s hard to find a story that hasn’t been done or made into a movie or posted on YouTube. I know! Making your interpretation original will take significantly more work than copying one you’ve seen done, but the rewards will also be far more satisfying.

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