What’s in a Name: The One Thing Juliet Got Right

By: Anna Johansen


I stood at the double doors clutching a blue folder in my nervous hands, already overwhelmed. There were hundreds of teenagers in there– confident, talented, experienced, suit-wearing, future-lawyer-type speakers and debaters. Over 400 of them. The girls wore heels and curls and lipstick; the guys hauled briefcases full of debate evidence and articles from the Economist.

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More Tips for your Original


Whether you feel creative or not… I encourage you to write! Make your students write! There is probably nothing more rewarding in “The Interp World of Speech” than being able to Interp your own work. Here you have the ability to create your storyline, characters, and you will be able to tweak your story whenever you want, because it's yours!

Here are some tips to help you with your Original Interp…

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