An Original Start for Your Original Interpretation by: Serenity Spada

Twelve years ago, Seven-year-old Serenity mindlessly walked around at her first official Speech and Debate Tournament. Here, I was exposed to interp speeches that exploded my little brain. I watched with awe at the phenomenal acting skills, blocking, and characterization and quickly fell in love and couldn’t wait to begin myself. So, I wrote and performed my first interp speech, which was adorable for a six-year-old. But then something extremely unfortunate happened—I grew up, and twelve-year-old Serenity could no longer hide behind her cuteness. I was abruptly thrown into a new type of competition that required a much higher level of acting, writing, and blocking. After eleven years of writing and competing in interp speeches, I have learned many lessons that have improved my skills over the years. I wanted to share some of the first steps you would need to take as you start writing your own Original Interpretation…

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Navigating the Sea of Speech Topics

Hey there, fellow speech enthusiasts! Ahoy! You might be wondering why I sound like a sailor navigating the high seas. Well, embarking on your speech journey in Speech and Debate is not so different from setting sail. And one of the places we can find ourselves lost in the sea is when we are asked to choose a topic! So how do you find the perfect wind to carry your ship (or in this case, your speech) forward…

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Platform Checklist

If you have ever spent hours writing a speech only to have it be wordy, factual, or even like an essay, this platform checklist is for YOU!  It can be tricky to clearly and concisely convey your points in an exciting way without the so-called “meat”, main points, or the body of your speech being lost. Heather Neumann has created step-by-step guide (and the worksheet/handout is even included in the Speech Grab and Go Guide - HERE), you’ll not only be checking off each box but wowing your audience and judges! Heather has taught and coached thousands of students, including Ted Talk speakers, she knows what a good speech looks like and how to keep the audience’s attention! Perhaps going through this list you will realize what your speech is missing…

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The Exploratory Stage – Choosing a Topic by: Alaina Hoyt

Whether taking a High School Speech class or preparing to compete in Nationals, choosing the right speech topic can seem daunting. Topic possibilities are endless, ranging from persuasive platforms to abstract interps! The thousands of choices swirling like a storm through your mind or scribbled on your notes may make your head spin, but they don’t have to. Using these principles will provide you with a step-by-step map for any situation, always resulting in the same destination: success. Don’t allow yourself to rush through or be intimidated by, what Heather Neumann calls, The Exploratory Stage

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How To Decide? Selling Your Speech Topic Idea

You have probably heard me before talk about this part of your Speech and Debate Journey… welcome to the Exploratory Phase - the time when you should be exploring ideas, options, cases, even books (please tell me you aren’t only using a search engine)! Honestly, this is one of my favorite times - I have stacks of books scattered around my house, coaching appointments are made up “idea generating sessions”, the TV, radio, newspaper could give me a lead on the next best idea! So why is it that so many people struggle with this Phase!!?

While you are in the Exploratory Phase… you need to do just that - EXPLORE! How else are you going to decide what you want to talk about for the next 4-10 months (you think I am over exaggerating, but I’m not). In order for you to make progress… you actually have to put in the work! Here, I’ll help- I will break it down in a little check list for you to decide if you will be able to sell your idea to your future audience…

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