Join Lasting Impact! Apologetics Club! By: Ethan Tong

Join our Apol Club starting TOMORROW!!

My hope is that this Apol Club will change the way you think about Apologetics. Not because I espouse a new, heretical position, but because I treat topics as part of a broader whole. When we talk about inspiration, I don’t students to just answer with the wrote “yes, the Bible is inspired because 1 Timothy says all Scripture is God-breathed.” I will be discussing the entire topic of the Bible’s writing: Did God speak every single word into the writer’s ears like a person speaking through a Bluetooth earbud? Is that really what we have to believe? On the other hand––did he simply put the idea of a topic in the writer’s mind? How can we trust that the words are what God meant it to say, then?

When it comes to even the most basic questions about God, like “Is God loving?”, I seek to draw a picture of God rather than answer each question. God isn’t a human who has certain features or emotions. Every aspect of God is an overflow of who he is. Therefore, he’s not “loving,” he is love itself! He’s not righteous, he’s righteousness itself! God’s attributes are not choices God made––they are integral to who he is as the “greatest possible being” (as St. Anselm says it).

This is just a sneak peek into what Apol Club will look like. Many students have told me that this club revolutionized the way they think about God and about their spiritual life. One student wrote to me this past fall that I’ve helped him become more motivated to read his Bible! 

I hope many of you will join this club. Ever since joining seminary in Fall of 2023, I’ve been passionate to share my new thoughts with people who have only ever seen a fraction of what the Bible is.

I believe, we are doing a disservice if we treat Apol like a chance to “prove our knowledge.” 1 Corinthians 8:1 says that knowledge puffs up! What builds up? Love. We need to speak on these topics with a heart for those whom God dearly loves––which is all people.

It will be life-changing to hear theology addressed as a larger whole rather than as just discrete topics on a paper card. And it’s all just $75––about $5 per session! Please, come and join!! Apol Club is not just for students who are competing in a speech category… it’s for all who want to understand deeper what you believe, how to articulate your thoughts, grow in the Word, and so much more!

Will You Be the Next Regional Apologetics Champion? By: Ethan Tong

Online Apol starts TONIGHT!! Remember, all classes are recorded! Ethan Tong will coach this semester class/club. Sign up HERE – Or read on for his valuable insight…

I never used a box in Apologetics. Early on, I had a box in which I stored blank cards, but eventually, I stopped using a box at all. At first, I told people that I wasn’t using a box because “you don’t have a box with you in real life when someone asks you a hard question.” But… that was an excuse. I was a little too lazy to figure out how to print stuff onto index cards, and I was definitely too lazy to HANDWRITE all the cards.

But my senior year, I won the Region 4 Championship (which used to be all of Texas and Oklahoma!) in Apologetics. Without a box! How? Let me give you some of my secrets…

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Do a New Thing – Do Apologetics! by: Karen Harper

My dear friend, Karen (affectionately known to me as Sally) was an Apologetics Coach for her Speech Club, Truth Advocates, for a number of years. The Lord called her home unexpectedly on Oct. 18, 2023. She was a tremendous blessing to her family and community outside Louisville, KY. She wrote this article for me back in 2019. I feel pressed to share it again. There is so much truth here! I wanted you to catch her heart and vision of why and how you can DO APOLOGETICS! In memory of Karen, aka my Sally…

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New Resource Alert! Limited Prep Guide

Looking for an all in one limited prep resource that is practical and easy to use? Looking for a resource that can grow with you- from beginner, to intermediate, and beyond? Look no further!!! The Lasting Impact! Limited Prep Guide has what you are looking for…
– Impromptu
– Mars Hill
– Extemporaneous
– Apologetics
Whether you are a student, parent, club leader or coach- use this guide to elevate your skills!!
The Limited Prep Resource Packet… compilations of lists, prompts, quotes, questions, and more!!
Over 200 pages of tips and tricks to master limited prep speaking! This is an excellent tool for the tool box!! Head to the SHOP and get yours today! It’s on SALE for the month of June!

Have you seen our RESOURCES recently? We have everything from Guide Books to Source Books for Juniors, Beginners, Novices, Intermediate, and Advanced! We also cater our products to students, as well as parents, coaches, and clubs! Can’t find what you are looking for? Contact

Beyond the Story Example: Advanced Tips To Add Spice To Your Impromptu Speech by: Honor (Persing) Hoffmann

Most people think of impromptu examples as stories. Almost always, that’s the way it plays out: whether you’re telling the story of someone’s life (Beethoven overcame challenging life circumstances to compose beautiful music), a plot point from a book (When Frodo took the ring to Mount Doom, he relied on his friend Sam), or even a personal anecdote, you’re relying on storytelling. There’s nothing wrong with this–in fact, story is a powerful way to connect with people and draw them into your narrative…

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What Makes Apologetics Club So Wonderful? by Sarah Fox and Jonathan Marsalis

New to Apologetics? No problem. No Apol. Club? We have you covered! Do you belong to a Club, but you want to grow with believers from around the country? Lasting Impact! is where both Stoa and NCFCA students will be at Monday evenings. This will be a time of growing and encouraging one another in Him. Check out the details HERE or read on what makes Apologetics Club so wonderful…

If an unbeliever asks you, “Was Jesus a socialist?” how well could you answer? If an atheist makes you question your faith, could you give a logical defense? If a Muslim asks you to compare and contrast their religion with your own then defend it, could you? 

Continue reading “What Makes Apologetics Club So Wonderful? by Sarah Fox and Jonathan Marsalis”

Do Apologetics!! By: Emalyn Sharp

As is usually the case with me, it wasn’t my idea to compete in Apologetics. It was one of those things that I was cool observing from a distance but didn’t want to participate in myself. My mother had other ideas though and decided that it would ‘be good for me.’ Oh, how I hated those words. It was only my second year in Speech and Debate and I was absolutely terrified. Apologetics sounded complicated and scary. Apologetics was going to be miserable, and I was going to make a fool of myself…

Continue reading “Do Apologetics!! By: Emalyn Sharp”

Apologetics As Worship by Joey Ooi

My Bible never felt heavier than the time I held it under one arm with my Apol box, checking my name off the door posting for the first time. I begged as many competitors to go into my room before me, delaying what I thought was the inevitable fate for being called out for a lack of content, lack of understanding, and a shipload of heresy.

Along with Impromptu, I was forced into Apologetics. Impromptu wasn’t hard for me – no wrong answers meant no fear about topics. But Apologetics- I didn’t like Apol. at all. Specifically, I didn’t like feeling inadequate. No matter how much I prepared because I always knew that there was something I was missing. Above all, I was terrified that I would say something wrong about Scripture and God.

Continue reading “Apologetics As Worship by Joey Ooi”

The Foundations of Apologetics: Why It’s Important to Start With the Basics by: Annie Rogers

Tomorrow kicks off our Spring Quarter Classes – 5 weeks of coming together to grow, grow, GROW (and of course have some fun!!). Having a good foundation is essential in any endeavor. Annie Rogers will be teaching our Foundations of Apologetics Class, specifically geared for Speech and Debate students. She is about to complete her Bachelor of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies, and received her competency certification in Biblical Hebrew last December. She is excited to share the treasures she has learned with her students! To sign up, Click HERE… or continue reading about the importance of a solid foundation in Apologetics…

Continue reading “The Foundations of Apologetics: Why It’s Important to Start With the Basics by: Annie Rogers”

Apologetics Workshop – 100 Bible Verses to add to your box

This Sunday evening – Feb. 23, 2020, is Lasting Impact!’s mid-season apologetics workshop. It is focused on providing resources to competitors in the middle of the season (or an early jump start for next year) to equip and motivate them. We know it is a busy time and you may see a workshop as another burdensome item to add to the checklist that never seems to end. You may have also noticed, however, that this workshop is unique in that its focus is to wash attendees in Scripture. The entire two hours will be an intentional journey through what Scripture has to say about apologetics topics.

Why focus on Scripture in general?
Growing in your knowledge of Scripture helps to draw you closer to Christ and focus your motivations for participating in apologetics and public speaking. Knowing more of God’s Word directly prepares you to fight temptations in your personal life, take comfort in difficult seasons, and share your faith in conversation with others as the Holy Spirit works to bring those references to mind. Scripture is the most powerful and appropriate outside resource to include when you share what you believe with others. My hope is that this workshop’s focus will benefit you by helping you to re-center your heart and emotions. My prayer is that you will be more excited to study God’s word outside of apologetics prep and get a glimpse of the treasures that wait for you.

Why focus on Scripture once the season has already begun?
In case you’re still hesitant, I want to remind you that the amount of time you have to write and edit new cards will only continue to decrease as the season picks up and the other demands on your time increase. Having large quantities of Scripture passages at your fingertips allows you to not only quickly bulk up all your cards, but also directs and organizes your other content and can reduce any prep time panic.

How exactly will this workshop provide Scripture resources?
You’ll be guided through carefully prepared slides that provide Scripture passages and how they could be used not only in specific topics but also with specific points that you could then elaborate on in the moment. Let’s look at an example! There are several topics that ask you to articulate the attributes of God. Each attribute provides the opportunity for you to share passages of Scripture that shed light on who God is. While we’ll be touching every apologetics topic at least by brushing past similar topics, this workshop will make sure you are prepared to fill your speeches with specific resources. For example, when explaining the meaning and significance of God’s omnipotence, the words of Scripture can shape your organization and content for each point.

  • Job 42:1-2 shows us the attitude we should take towards God’s omnipotence, which is one of both confidence and humility. “Then Job answered the Lord and said: “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”
  • Isaiah 14:27 chimes in “For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who will annul it? His hand is stretched out, and who will turn it back?”
  • Daniel 4:35 draws a comparison between our power as humans and our inability to question the work of God. “All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, “What have you done?”
  • Ephesians 1:18-19 provides specific encouragement to believers for the eternal hope the all-powerful God has promised in salvation “having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might.”
  • Here’s a final example (we could have looked at many more) of a verse that helps articulate the magnitude of God’s omnipotence. Colossians 1:17 sums up the breadth and impact of God’s power. “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

This is the process we’ll be walking through on Sunday, and I really hope you’ll join me! Sign up here for Sunday night’s apologetics resource workshop. Click HERE to sign up.

Apologetics Resource Workshop Feb. 23 with Kaitlyn Butts – Sign Up NOW

If someone asked me to give a one-liner that captures what will be happening for two hours on the evening of February 23rd, I’d probably blurt out something like “nearly 100 Bible verses you can use in apologetics right now to help you feel more prepared and grow in your faith.” That doesn’t sound very professional, so you might want to read the rest of this article, but if you’re convinced this intensive is for you, feel free to skip the article and sign up HERE.

Although the competition season has begun, it is not too late to accumulate resources for apologetics and grow in your passion for both God’s word and this speech event. You can expect this intensive to be fast-paced and motivational! While I’ll be facilitating the evening and running the carefully prepared slides (which you will have access to after the intensive), you won’t be hearing many of my own words. Instead, you’ll have the chance to meditate with me on the divinely inspired words of God. I’ll be pushing well past the passages of Scripture you’re probably using already to challenge you with less familiar passages drawn from less familiar places in the Bible.

If you’ve participated in Lasting Impact!’s online apologetics club or workshops in the past, you’ve probably heard me or another coach explain the importance of familiarizing yourself with the broader categories and sub-categories that make up each league’s topic list. In this intensive, we’ll be moving systematically through the categories and sub-categories you will encounter and looking at Scriptures that will help you provide a deeper and stronger answer. Here are just a few examples of what we’ll be covering:

  • Verses that show both God’s transcendence and immanence
  • Verses that refute works-based salvation
  • Verses that proclaim Christ’s divinity and humanity
  • Verses that build confidence in the trustworthiness of the Bible
  • Verses that specifically refute deism, pantheism, and reincarnation

After this intensive, you’ll have lots of resources that can be immediately transferred to cards so that you can confidently walk into your next tournament prepared to share the power and truths of Scripture! I hope to see you on February 23rd!

Sign Up HERE.

Coaching Apologetics: Do a New Thing! by: Karen Harper

One of the things I love about the Lord is that He does not change. He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is constant, stable, reliable. He does not change like shifting shadows. And though He does not change, He is always doing something new.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
~ Isaiah 43:19

I know He is always doing new things in me. And part of the reason He’s doing new things in me is because I’m growing, maturing in Christ, and He knows I am ready for Him to do new things in me and through me.

As a club leader, perhaps you’ve been considering doing something different with your Apologetics coaching. Your program is growing and maturing and it’s time to try something new. Or maybe, you want to begin something new in your club… like getting some Apologetics coaching going for the first time! If so, there’s good news for you… you can do a new thing! Now is the time for it to spring up… do you not perceive it?

Continue reading “Coaching Apologetics: Do a New Thing! by: Karen Harper”