Credibility Crash Course

Undoubtedly one or two things come to mind when you hear the word, credibility:  that guy who makes up sources for his extemp round, or that team that slices up their evidence cards so that they say what they want them to say instead of what the author actually said.  If that is the extent of your definition of credibility, you might need to stretch your understanding of the term.

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Don’t Forget Your Facial Expression in Speech AND Debate!!

ALL Speech events, even Debate need facial expressions!! I will repeat- facial expressions are important! Whether it's a platform, interpretive, or limited prep speech event OR debate your facial expression will set the mood. Are you happy, concerned, urgent, angry, sad, etc.? Your facial expression is pivotal!

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Oratorical Interpretation – It’s an INTERP!

I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing what's been done with Oratorical Interpretation this year. As I've said in previous articles, this is a great entry-level interp, a fabulous opportunity to study great rhetoric, and a very real creative outlet. What are my coaching take-aways after a couple of tournaments?

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How to Disguise Yourself – Tips from a Master

Last year, I taught a boys’ literature group that went through the canon of Sherlock Holmes stories. One of our lessons after reading many of the mysteries focused on Sherlock’s ability to assume masterful disguises – such that even his dearest friends failed to recognize him.  This skill enabled our sleuth to trail suspects, slip enemy traps, and observe without being observed. As we discussed his various techniques, it struck me that many of these tips also answer the questions I get every year about creating characterizations for interps. So…here’s how Sherlock does it:

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Why is the MESSAGE important in your Speech?

Making sure your speech has significance is going to allow your judges the ability to connect with you, which in turn will hopefully cause your rank to improve. Sure, delivery is important, but it is what you are saying that is going to leave a lasting impact...

Young speakers struggle with figuring out what their topic is going to be on, nevertheless making it have the "So What Factor". Guiding them through the importance of having a message is something you should spend time in club doing. Here are my reasons WHY speakers should have a message...

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A Guide to Self-Timing by: Eric Meinerding

Now that self-timing has been introduced Speech and Debate there are new etiquette rules and techniques to learn so that this logistical task is carried out smoothly to facilitate good, competitive debates. Self-timing is commonplace in the collegiate policy leagues, poses no major issues, and will definitely benefit the high school leagues as well. Similar to attire, greetings, debate organization and overall presentation, self-timing doesn’t implicitly affect the outcome of a round. It can, however, be another small factor with which to get quickly comfortable in order to avoid any unnecessary technical speedbumps. Here are a couple simple “do’s and don’ts” to consider when it comes to managing your own speech time in debate.​..

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The Honest Process – Questions to Keep You Going

This year, I'm feeling extremely privileged as I work with some new students who are actively pursuing what I like to call the "honest process." When I said those words to one of the moms, she asked, "What does that mean, exactly?" For me, the honest process is something original and organic and student driven. I'll reference some of the conversations I've had with students....

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Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

I spent a lot a of time and research on this article. One might think... Kristi and Heather and the Lasting Impact! Team just come up with random articles to write about and then poof, we write! Nope, sometimes God lays something on our hearts that we need to research or look for answers or look to the "experts."

I know many of us struggle with the fear of public speaking! Whether you are a new student, a returning student, or parent - getting up in front of an audience is hard! So - I did my research - I spent hours looking up the best ways to deal with "stage fright". Then I did the next best thing- asked our amazing coaches, how they combated their fears. Here is what I found...

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Oratorical Breakdown by: Gloria Heiss

Are you thinking of competing in Oratorical Interp? Still weighing out the pros and cons? Here are some thoughts and tips from Kristi Eskelund and Heather Neumann at Lasting Impact! Recently, I sat in on the Oratorical Workshop, and wow- this helped shed some light on the new NCFCA interpretive category...

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How to Organize Your Mars Hill Binder by: Isabelle Clausen

Mars Hill Impromptu is one of those events that can sneak up on you! If you don’t plan accordingly, and unfortunately your speeches can fall flat, even if you put your whole heart into it. Although Mars Hill Impromptu is all about letting the Holy Spirit speak through you and your topic, you must prepare so that you can share the Holy Spirit in the most effective and clear way as possible.

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Do you have an AH-HA moment in your speech?


Judges don't always know what kind of Speech they will be drawn to- some judges like to be entertained, some like to learn, some like to be inspired. Most of the time- something just appeals to them... But they aren't quite sure what?!

Good stories usually involve a plot twist. Novels have many story-lines, sub-plots, etc. Fitting all the elements of good story-teller into a 10-minute Speech can be difficult. The element of surprise can be hard to get in to a Speech... And I'm not talking about yelling, scaring your judges. I'm talking about an "AH-Ha Moment"...

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