SALE on Sourcebooks – One More Day! Only $20

Cyber Monday and we are still feeling thankful! This year, we did something we never have done before- we are offering our Debate Sourcebooks for only $20! What makes our Debate Sourcebooks different from other Sourcebooks out there?

Many sourcebooks take a top-down approach to the resolution, providing you with swaths of evidence but with little way to digest it. While we still provide multiple cases and briefs to be used throughout the season, our sourcebook explores all the facets of debate, not just the evidence. We teach you the tricks of the trade, breaking down terminology and debate theory in an accessible and understandable way. Additionally, we have advanced approaches to boost your speaker points, organization, and persuasion. No matter what your strengths and weaknesses in debate are, our sourcebook is designed to meet you where you are and facilitate growth. This resource will help you gain traction as you launch into the new season. Right now, our sourcebooks are on sale! You don’t want to miss out on an opportunity that will help you identify your best speaker roles, partner compatibility, and strategic strengths.

Additionally, our coaches are on deck and ready to help you put the finishing touches on your cases and strategies as you start this season, and beyond! The holidays are here, but competition will be upon us before you know it. Don’t procrastinate!

Here’s what people are saying about our Sourcebooks, Elyse says, “The TP Sourcebook is absolutely amazing! What a great resource! And the vocabulary list… I didn’t even know half of the words, and I have been debating a couple years.” Club Leader, Speech and Debate Coach, Tena, says, “I have been helping debate students develop their speaking skills for over a decade. I have always encouraged students to utilize sourcebooks (especially early in the season) to get a jumpstart on their research and debating. I always recommend Lasting Impact! They have FAR and AWAY the best sourcebooks.” Heather says, “Our Sourcebooks are not only written for the student in mind, many Club Leaders and Coaches use our Sourcebooks to help them understand the resolution, terminology, definitions, etc. Hundreds of hours are poured into our resources, because we love what we do and love helping people succeed.”

Head to the SHOP and purchase your Sourcebook for only $20 TODAY!