Online Opportunities – More than just “better than nothing!!”

​Are Online Tournaments even worth it? Is speech and debate as we know it over? What about my friends? I won’t be able to see them in person for ages! If you’re asking these questions, Eric Meinerding is empathetic to your concerns. He lived, breathed, and ate speech and debate in high school. Immersion might even be an understatement. Here is his take on the new world of speech and debate…

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Continue Growing Your Skills Over the Summer

Summer is quickly approaching. Do not let this quarantine thing stop your speech and debate progress! I know a lot of summer events have been canceled, but that doesn’t mean you should just sit on the couch a binge the next season of whatever is trending. There are a ton of things that you can do to promote growth and build your speech and debate skills. I get that students feel the need for a break, and being on Zoom can be exhausting. But there are tons of ideas to explore! First let’s go over reasons why you should make the most of your summer, then we will give you options for growth….

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NEW!! Online Tournament Announcement!!!

Lasting Impact! is excited to announce we are going to run another Online Tournament… a Speech AND Debate Tournament!! For the first time (that we know of) speech will be offered online! We are calling it…

Parli and Platforms – Trailblazers Tournament

June 5-6, 2020

Blazing a trail of new experiences for Online Tournaments through Parliamentary Debate and Platform Speeches to leave a Lasting Impact! ? Come explore Parli – which will include 4 preliminary round resolutions centered around on the NEW 2020-21 Stoa/NCFCA resolutions!

Bring a Platform Speech (or possibly two)!! This could include – Persuasive, Original Oratory/Informative, Visual Presentation, Oratorical Examination, Biographical, and AFTER DINNER!!

Dust off a platform speech from the past, write a new one, give your favorite, or finish this year’s speech with a bang and experience your SPEECH in an online event!! Even if Platform Speeches aren’t your thing… give it a try! You might like it! In addition to being a great learning experience, this is a great way to connect. Kids all over the country come to compete, as well as connect, grow, and have fun! Remember, practicing to compete and communicate online is an excellent skill to add to your tool box! Besides, we fully plan on offering more tournaments… this is fantastic practice! It’s only a matter of time before we offer Limited Prep and Interp! It is our goal to create a tournament-like experience.

This event is not in associated with any particular league.

No Parli Partner?? No problem! Contact We will be putting together a spreadsheet.

No Parli Experience?? We will be offering a FREE 2 hr Parli Prep Workshop with registration. The Workshop will be May 16, and recorded.

Registration Begins Today at 4pm CT

Cost – $35 for Debate (includes Parli Prep Workshop), $10 per Speech

Tournament Schedule (tentative, pending registrations, all times are CENTRAL)

Friday, June 5
9:30 Announcements/Devo
10:00 Parli Round 1
12:00 Speech Round 1
2:00 Parli Round 2
4:00 Platform Round 2
6:00 Parli Round 3
7:30 Parli Round 4

Saturday, June 6
9:30 Announcements/Devo
10:00 Speech Round 3
12:00 Parli Semi’s
2:00 Speech Finals
4:00 Parli Finals
6:00 Awards

More about Parliamentary Debate at The Trailblazers Tournament…

Preliminary rounds will be based on the 2020-21 Stoa and NCFCA resolutions. These will be non-strike rounds. The Parli Prompts will not be just re-wordings of the resolutions, but centered around the general topic. Strike rounds will be in Semi’s and Finals.

More about Platforms at The Trailblazers Tournament…

  • A Platform Speech is 8-10 minute speech meant to inform, inspire, motivate, or instruct.
  • Speeches may have been previously performed by competitors, as long as it was not performed AT a National Championship.
  • Speeches must be your own, original work.
  • No minimum duration.
  • Maximum of 10 minutes (speaker will set timepiece to 10 min, if speaker reaches 10 min., timer will beep and continue to go off, until they finish)
  • Competitors did not have to compete earlier this season, nor do they need to be affiliated with a league.

Please go to the site to learn more about the tournament and review the rules.

We hope you will join us on this next excursion! Blaze the trail into new experiences!

Don’t forget, we will need judges. Even if you don’t have a competitor- we would love to have you join us! Create an account and let us know your availability. Volunteer for 1-2 hours, or more from the comfort of your own home. Tell your friends to giddy up! This will be a rootin’ tootin’ good time!

Tournaments Are About You by Ethan Tong

Tournaments are about you.

That’s the plain and simple truth. Tournaments aren’t for your parents. Tournaments aren’t for your siblings. They’re for you. Parents may enjoy socializing, yes. But how many parents do you know who still come to tournaments once their children are graduated? Hardly any. Once you’re not in the league, Speech and Debate doesn’t mean much to your parents. Why? Because tournaments are for you.

Continue reading “Tournaments Are About You by Ethan Tong”

How to take care of yourself and survive the Speech and Debate Season by: Hope Turner

Before we begin this article, let us introduce you to Hope Turner. She has been going to Speech and Debate Tournaments before she could compete, and hit the ground running when she was 12. She has been to a plethora of competitions during her Speech and Debate years, which culminated in 2019, her senior year, as Moot Court Champion with her partner, Hope Rawlson. If you want to know how to survive the long days of a tournament, read on…

Continue reading “How to take care of yourself and survive the Speech and Debate Season by: Hope Turner”

A Challenge for those who attended Nationals…

During our Regional Championship tournament, I had a conversation with a student who said the most honest thing I’ve heard in a long while. I initiated the conversation because I work Communications at the tournaments and I could see the student was tense, frustrated, distressed even. When I asked about it, I got the usual response, “My speeches have gone so badly. I really wanted to do well so I could get to Nationals.” There is not a good response for this. I know all the correct things to say: Nationals isn’t the goal. You’ve grown so much. The trophies will fade. None of that matters in the moment of disappointment, so I said nothing and gave the student a hug. That was when it got real. Coming off that hug, the student said this:

“I want to be part of the friend group that goes to Nationals, and I’m not going to be… again.”

Continue reading “A Challenge for those who attended Nationals…”

What will you (or did you) get out of the National Championship?

There’s no doubt making it to Nationals in Speech and Debate is a big deal! For some in might be the one and only time. I get asked a lot, “Is it worth the expense? Should I go? What are the benefits of competing at a National level?” Here is my answer…

Continue reading “What will you (or did you) get out of the National Championship?”

Approaching Nationals in a Manner that Glorifies God

Post-season play is always exciting on a whole different level, isn’t it? There is the thrill of just being part of that playoff season, and there is much more at stake every time you take the field. If your sport is speech and debate, the same is true as you approach regionals and especially a National Championship… and there is a proper way to approach your post-season if our mission is truly to glorify God.

Continue reading “Approaching Nationals in a Manner that Glorifies God”

Speech Line Up… Going Last

It seems like every year there are speech and debate students that need to be re-educated. For whatever reason students think there is a magic system for the order of their appearance in a competition room. I hope through this article you will see there is no reason to go hiding in the bathroom until the end of the round…

Continue reading “Speech Line Up… Going Last”

The REAL Award at a Speech and Debate Tournament by: Gloria Heiss

I don’t want to sound like a stereotypical alum devotional but I might have to in order to get my point across today. Each year I frustratingly see teens all around me vying for their place on the stage at awards while not even considering the real rewards of tournament. Believe me, I like being recognized for my hard work and skill as much as the next person but those expressions of appreciation do not always come in the form of a trophy you can put on your shelf…

Continue reading “The REAL Award at a Speech and Debate Tournament by: Gloria Heiss”

Tips for New Competitors at a Speech and Debate Tournament by: Gloria Heiss

“I’m walking on sunshine (Wow!)
I’m walking on sunshine (Wow!)
I’m walking on sunshine (Wow!)
And don’t it feel good”

Why, you ask, did I start this blog post out with the chorus to, “Walking on Sunshine”, by Katrina and the Waves. Well, besides the fact that it is a great song, we sometimes have to be reminded to walk like we are on sunshine.

Have you ever felt “meh”, “ugh”, or even “ew” while at a speech and debate tournament? I’m here to tell you that we have all been there; from the seniors who are pros, to the beginner twelve year olds. Don’t forget sleep deprived moms, grumpy siblings, and coffee-needing judges. Sometimes, just once in a while, someone might say, “I wish I wasn’t at this speech and debate tournament!” I know, blasphemous. But true!

Despite all the fun that goes on at a speech and debate tournament we have to remember that a tournament is going to drain us. No matter how much coffee we drink, or monsters we chug, or mini power naps we take we are going to feel that “meh” slipping into our system. And judges can pick up on those less than chipper vibes. So, I’m going to challenge you to do the seemingly impossible….do not let it affect your performance. Just being aware that you are in a “meh” mood can help you prevent it from deterring from your experience.

Here are some suggestions of things you can do to relieve stress while at a tournament:

1. Put in some headphones and listen to music. Tune out to get you tuned into doing your speech. But be careful not to tune others around you out.

2. Make conversation with fellow competitors in the hallway, but remember to do it quietly. Getting to know others can maybe calm your nerves. Maybe you will meet someone who is just as nervous or someone willing to pray with you.

3. Go to the bathroom, look yourself in the mirror, and strike a power pose. I know it sounds weird but scientifically it should make you feel like you are ready to roll!

4. Don’t be afraid to inform others about your mood. Maybe some mom will have an essential oil on hand. (Hehe) No, but really, there are often new competitors that may feel “a little nervous” or “blah” too. If you had a bad round, talking about it, and then moving on is the best approach. One bad round will just make you stronger.

5. If nothing else, find small things to make yourself smile through the day. Play cards with friends, do a spontaneous photo shoot, or go watch speech and debate rounds (just be sure you don’t have somewhere to be).

Another competitor had this advice-

1. The first thing you can do that really helps, is to set aside 10 or more minutes to run through your speech before you go into your room. Find an empty room, hallway, or wall, and run through your speech like you are going to in the room. Might I suggest that you do this by yourself, because friends can be distracting and you should be doing your speech like you are going to in competition.

2. The second really helpful thing that you can do, especially if you are really nervous, is to talk to people. Find someone that you don’t know very well, and just engage them in a conversation. Talk about something that you both enjoy! Talk about sports, movies, anything that will get your mind off of speech! I find this really helpful, especially right before I go into the room to give my speech.

3. The last and most important thing that you can do before you go into your room is to pray.  Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Paul is saying that when you are nervous, anxious, or excited about something, anything, pray to God about it. Pray by yourself, pray with friends, pray with your family, communications staff, which you will find to be extremely friendly, and anyone who you can find before the round. Trust me when I say that praying before each round and even before every tournament is extremely helpful. Now, don’t go in thinking, “I’m gonna pray that I will win the tournament”. Go in thinking, “I’m going to pray that whatever happens in the tournament, God will be glorified.” Try to pray for people as well. I have found that when I pray with and for other people, it helps me to calm down before I go do my speeches.

I have personally found all three of these things to be helpful while I’m at a tournament. I try to run through my speech before every single round to keep it fresh in my head, I am usually pretty social, so for me, talking to people is no problem, and I always make it a goal to pray by myself and with as many people as possible before every single round.

Now with this advice I hope you don’t think I’m telling you to act like everything is rainbows and unicorns and leprechauns at a tournament. It’s the fact that things do get exhausting and dramatic that we need ways to relieve stress in order to function properly before going into competition. I have used these techniques in the past to get myself through a round. I hope they prove to be successful for you too so you can go into your room like you’re walking on sunshine. 😉