An Original Start for Your Original Interpretation by: Serenity Spada

Twelve years ago, Seven-year-old Serenity mindlessly walked around at her first official Speech and Debate Tournament. Here, I was exposed to interp speeches that exploded my little brain. I watched with awe at the phenomenal acting skills, blocking, and characterization and quickly fell in love and couldn’t wait to begin myself. So, I wrote and performed my first interp speech, which was adorable for a six-year-old. But then something extremely unfortunate happened—I grew up, and twelve-year-old Serenity could no longer hide behind her cuteness. I was abruptly thrown into a new type of competition that required a much higher level of acting, writing, and blocking. After eleven years of writing and competing in interp speeches, I have learned many lessons that have improved my skills over the years. I wanted to share some of the first steps you would need to take as you start writing your own Original Interpretation…

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Scripts and Writers Wanted!!

Lasting Impact! is excited to announce that we are going to start publishing some of YOUR stories as scripts! WE NEED YOU!

What? Now accepting script applications! We know that our students are some of the most talented people. Your original interp script can be the next Open Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, or even Duo Interpretation! Don’t let your original work sit and get dusty on the shelves…

Why? Every year kids write and perform amazing speeches. So why not give them another opportunity to shine? If you have a script or story that you or your student has written and you want to share your gifts with others… this is an opportunity for you! Our readers span a multitude of leagues and we can’t wait to show the world your talent.

How? The process- We will be having an application process. We have a limited amount of ISBN numbers that will be published for our 2018-19 Lasting Impact! Scripts. Winning pieces will be announced July 1, 2018 and will be available for purchase through our site.

When? Throughout the month of April and May we will be accepting potential scripts to be marketed for the 2018-2019 Speech Season.

The Application Process

Fee- $5 (per script)  – Please go here to apply and submit.

Please submit your piece IN A GOOGLE DOC to-

Your cover letter should include-

  • Name
  • Age
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Year written
  • Accomplishments of Speech (if any)
  • League performed in or written for
  • Title
  • Description of Piece (less than 200 words)

Once you submit your piece you will receive a confirmation email. You will be notified whether or not your speech has been chosen in early July or before.


1. What if you don’t use my script? We welcome you to make edits or revisions and try again next year.

2. Will there be editing done to my piece? Every great masterpiece may need some revisions. Our team knows what scripts need to look like and the potential transitions needed. No revisions will be made until you release your script and an agreement is made.

3. Will I be a published author? Yes! Your piece will have an isbn number and sold through our site.

4. Will I receive royalties? Yes, it will be in the contract that you will need to sign.

5. How many words does my script need to be? We prefer under 2000.

6. Can I use a script from this year? Absolutely! This year, last year, or ten years ago.

7. What if I never broke with my script? That’s ok!

8. Can I submit a story? Yes!

9. What type old speech are you looking for? We are looking for it all! Funny, dramatic, serious, goofy… you guys have talent! Let’s see what you got!

10. What if I have another question? Feel free to comment below or send an email to

Please go here to apply and submit.

Comedy v. Tragedy – Open to Interpretation

"Woe!  Woe to me!  I have to do my funny piece after a tragedy!?"

I hear it all the time.... Students doing dramatic material bemoan the fact that funny wins.  Students doing funny material hate walking into a room where judges are wiping away tears.  If Dramatic Interpretation and Humorous Interpretation are separated into different rooms, the conflict doesn't occur, but I maintain that there is room for every place on the emotional spectrum in Open Interpretation...

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More Tips for your Original


Whether you feel creative or not… I encourage you to write! Make your students write! There is probably nothing more rewarding in “The Interp World of Speech” than being able to Interp your own work. Here you have the ability to create your storyline, characters, and you will be able to tweak your story whenever you want, because it's yours!

Here are some tips to help you with your Original Interp…

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