Last Call… Online Classes/Clubs Start This Week and Next

Ah yes! The start of a new Speech and Debate Season is upon us. The coaches at Lasting Impact! have been gearing up for this, we have been praying, and we cordially invite you along for the ride! Whether you have participated in Speech and Debate before or brand new, these classes/clubs are here to provide you with the tools for your tool box that you might need…

Continue reading “Last Call… Online Classes/Clubs Start This Week and Next”

Apologetics Prepares You to Offer Jesus (Not Yourself) by: Kaitlyn Butts

Kaitlyn Butts is one of Lasting Impact’s Apologetics’s Coaches. She is passionate about the speech category. But not just as a speech category, for life! Lasting Impact! continues to reach students all across the nation to help them gain skills that they will use for life. Speech and Debate is not just about the competition! Here is what the Lord put on Kaitlyn’s heart on WHY students should learn Apologetics…

Continue reading “Apologetics Prepares You to Offer Jesus (Not Yourself) by: Kaitlyn Butts”

Sign UP NOW for Online Workshop Wednesdays!


Can you believe it? It’s that time of year again–The beginning of a new school year!
New classes, new books, new clothes, new friends, and so many things to look forward to, plus my favorite….
A new season of speech and debate!

To help you get geared up, Lasting Impact! is offering Wednesday Workshops all through the month of August. Every Wednesday our fabulous instructors are ready to help you learn about different categories, dig deeper into familiar ones, or just explore new ideas. You won’t want to miss getting a head start on your Speech and Debate journey.

Signing up for an Online Workshop is easy!! All workshops are through an online forum called Zoom. It’s a quick and easy download that your instructor will send to you as part of their introduction email (usually within 24 hours of your workshop).

So, check out this fantastic line up of Online Workshops coming directly to you, in the comfort of your own home and sign up NOW so you don’t miss any of the ideas, tips, and valuable information! All workshops are recorded, and there is no guarantee we will be able to make it into a Recorded Workshop, therefore we encourage you to sign up, even if you cannot attend. The recording will be sent to your email, after the session is downloaded.

All 1 hour workshops are $5 for Members/$20 for nonmembers and 1.5 hour workshops are $10 for Members/$25 nonmembers. For complete discriptions or to sign up CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, August 7 at 6:00-7:30pm CT
Digital Presentation with Isabelle Clausen

Wednesday, August 7 at 8:00-9:00 pm CT
Persuasive with Isabelle Clausen

Wednesday, August 14 at 6:00-7:00 pm CT
Apologetics with Kaitlyn Butts

Wednesday August 14 at 7:30-8:30 pm CT
Speech and Debate/College Connections with Kaitlyn Butts

Wednesday, August 14 at 8:00-9:00 pm CT
Team Policy: What makes good evidence on an energy topic? With Eric Meinerding

Wednesday August 21 at 6:00-7:00 pm CT
Extemp with Hope Rawlson

Wednesday, August 21 at 7:30-8:30 pm CT
Moot Court with Eric Meinerding

Wednesday, August 28 at 5:30-6:30 pm CT
NCFCA Lincoln Douglas Debate with Hope Rawlson

Wednesday, August 28 at 6:30-7:30 pm CT
Cutting for Humorous Interpretation with Luke Crory

Sign Up NOW!! New Classes/Clubs Added for Fall 2019!!

Do you have a local speech and debate club? Does it offer Apologetics or Extemp? What about Moot Court? Are you looking for accountability? Lasting Impact! Fall Classes/Clubs are just around the corner, and this year we just added more clubs/classes to our mix.

How cool is it, we live in an age where we can meet people all over the country from the comfort of our homes? How awesome is it, that your students can receive solid coaching and instruction from experienced instructors?

Lasting Impact! strives to give you the most opportunities in your journey with Speech and Debate. Our coaches are amazing! They have proven track records, making delving into Speech and Debate fun and engaging. Our Online Community allows students to get to know other kids from around the country. These clubs are not lecture type classes, all students learn, grow, and participate… making connections for a lifetime!

Our classes are run on an online meeting forum called Zoom. It’s a quick free download on to your computer. Classes are recorded, therefore, even if you can’t be there- you won’t miss a thing.

This year we have even MORE opportunities than ever before for students to engage in Speech and Debate! Now is the time to join! Space will be limited – so be sure to sign up early!

Advanced Online Apologetics Club with Kaitlyn Butts

When: Every other week starting August 26, 2019 (8 sessions)
Mondays at 8:00 CST/9:00 EST
Cost: $40 Members/$65 Nonmembers

Advanced Apologetics is designed to provide experienced apologetics competitors an opportunity to deepen their understanding of apologetics topics and grow as speakers. Club sessions will consist of both teaching and speaking strategies that will help students transition their ideas about defending the reliability and historicity of Scripture, explaining the attributes of God, and sharing the gospel into creative and powerful speech content. The speaking focused sessions will train students in how storytelling, style, and persuasion all play vital roles in becoming a seasoned apologetics competitor. Each session will be full of fresh ideas and dynamic discussion, but the ultimate goal of this club is to train up devoted and excellent communicators of the gospel.

Online Apologetics with Joel Erickson, Matthew Harper & Kristen Erickson

When: Every week starting September 3, 2019
Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 pm CST/9:00-10:00 pm EST
Cost: $50 Members/$75 Nonmembers

Join us once again for Online Apologetics. We offer weekly accountability, great teaching and resources, growth in knowledge and confidence, and experiences that will last well beyond your competitive years. Each session will be full of engaging discussions and guest speakers with lots of opportunities for students to practice and participate. The ultimate goal of this club is to train up exceptional communicators of the gospel.

Extemp Club for NCFCA & Stoa with Hope Rawlson

When: Every week starting: TBD
Mondays at 6:30 CST/7:30 EST
Cost: $80 Members/$100 Nonmembers

Are you planning on competing in Extemp this year? Our Online Extemp Club is designed to provide Extemp speakers at all levels a fun, productive and practical opportunity to deepen their understanding of extemp topics and to grow as speakers. Hope Rawlson will be focusing on three specific areas to equip you to master Extemp: How to Extemp like a boss; Diving deep and discussing current events; and Practice – because practice makes perfect This club will be a place for progress, discussion, encouragement and learning where we all can not only advance in our skills in Extemp but really come to love it!

Online LD NCFCA Debate Club with Joel Erickson

When: Every week starting September 3, 2019
Thursdays from 8:00-9:30 pm CST/9:00-10:30 pm EST (approx. 1.5 hrs.)
Cost: $100 Members/$125 Nonmembers

Looking to turbocharge your preseason preparation? Joel Erickson is coaching an online LD club for intermediate and advanced competitors. We’ll focus on the three crucial elements of debate. First, we’ll extensively practice debate drills because debate is fundamentally a skill—something that is concretely cultivated, not abstractly conceived. Second, we’ll concentrate on the resolution and case development with background philosophy supplements. Third, we’ll solidify both rudimentary and advanced LD theory to help you communicate in a manner that is accessible to judges.

Online TP NCFCA Debate Club with Eric Meinerding

When: Every week starting September 5, 2019
Thursdays from 8:00-9:00 pm CST/9:00-10:00 pm EST
Cost: $100 Members/$125 Nonmembers

Looking to kick up your TP prep a notch or wanting to learn and grow with other competitors? Eric Meinerding will be leading an online TP NCFCA debate club for all experience levels. The club will be working through two primary areas. The first will be controlling the narrative in a debate round and choosing an AFF case. The second will be drills because hands-on practice is necessary for growth. Club members will spar against one another in mini-debates focusing on applying argument theories, lessons and formulas in a practical way. The intent here is to not just lecture at students every week, but actually practicing debates, impact work, word efficiency, line by line and four-point refutation and the like.

Online Moot Court Club with Eric Meinerding

When: Every week starting TBD
Thursdays from 7:00-8:00 pm CST/8:00-9:00 pm EST
Cost: $100 Members/$125 Nonmembers

Ready to hit the ground running with Moot Court? Eric Meinerding will be leading an online Moot Court club to help you on your way. Whether you’ve been competing in moot court since day one or are trying it out for the first time this year, the club will be tailored to all experience levels based on methods Eric used while competing in moot court in college at the national level. We will be covering strategy, speaking, how to answer judge questions, brief-writing, drills, and more.

Online Speech Clubs with Heather Neumann

When: Every week starting TBD (12 weeks) Choose from one of three options:
Tuesdays 9:00-10:00 am CST/10:00-11:00 EST
Tuesdays 1:00-2:00 pm CST/2:00-3:00 EST OR
Wednesdays 9:00-10:00 am CST/10:00-11:00 am EST
Cost: $100 per student with sibling discounts available

Learn all about the Art of Communication in one of Lasting Impact!’s very own Online Speech Clubs. Through the power of technology, online clubs will meet weekly in the comfort of your own home… or wherever you happen to be! Speech Coach, Heather Neumann, will lead students/families through a fun-filled 12-week journey on the basics of Speech- about different speech events, how to choose a topic, as well as delivery. Students will be held accountable, stretched, and encouraged. There will be expectations, presentations, and feedback and students will be well prepared to compete for the 2019-2020 speech season.

We can’t wait to see you! For the complete list and to sign up, CLICK HERE

Prep like a Pro – News Outlets for Extemp by: Hope Rawlson

Let’s say you were about to start a years worth of soccer competition. If you were seriously trying to be at least decent you would never skip all the practices and show up to the first game completely unprepared. That’d be ridiculous and you’d definitely lose. No, you’d take the time beforehand and make sure you know how to play and play well.

It’s true with soccer and it’s true with extemp. The key to succeeding is to prepare and prepare well! If you are looking for accountability, fun, and guidance- check out Lasting Impact’s new Online Extemp Club! If you are ready to get started now… below is a list and analysis of the resources for extemp that helped me go into every tournament last year feeling completely prepared and ready to take on any topic that came my way!

Continue reading “Prep like a Pro – News Outlets for Extemp by: Hope Rawlson”

The Ways Apologetics Speakers Learn from Apollos by: Matthew Harper

The following is adapted from Lasting Impact’s 2/19/19 Online Apol Meeting, taught by Matthew Harper. If you are looking or searching for growth… it’s not too late to join our second semester club. The Online Club meets every other week, building apologetics skills. Students do not need to be competing to join. Below, is what was covered week one. Meetings are recorded.

Continue reading “The Ways Apologetics Speakers Learn from Apollos by: Matthew Harper”

Apologetics: How to Speak Beyond the Competition Room by: Matthew Harper

We all know how much fun a Speech and Debate Tournament can be. And we know how learning the skills we practice in a classroom setting will give us opportunities to enhance our future as better communicators. But have you ever considered how practicing and participating in Apologetics could enhance or effect someone else’s life? For the past five or so years, Lasting Impact has come together on Tuesday nights to grow and build students and families up in the journey of Apologetics. This semester, starting tomorrow night, another group will begin (for more information CLICK HERE). Matthew Harper, one of our group leaders, shares his experience why participating in Apologetics is time well spent….

Continue reading “Apologetics: How to Speak Beyond the Competition Room by: Matthew Harper”

JOIN US… Second Semester Online Clubs (Moot, Debate, and Apol.)

How cool is it, we live in an age where we can meet people all over the country from the comfort of our homes? How awesome is it, that your students can receive solid coaching and instruction from experienced instructors? Lasting Impact! is dedicated to helping you and your students, in your Speech and Debate journey, with the guidance you are looking for by offering online classes, clubs, and workshops. Sign up for our Second Semester Clubs NOW…

4 Week Moot Court Seminar

Start Date: Feb. 18, 2019 8:00-9:00pm CT (meets weekly)
Instructor: Chris Baldacci
Cost: $45 member/$65 nonmember

This four-week course will give beginners a strong foundation in moot court and help experienced students separate themselves from the competition with advanced techniques. The four classes will cover the fundamentals of constitutional law, how to prepare arguments like a lawyer, argument building for both the 2nd and 5th Amendment issues, and improving your answers to judge questions. Students will also receive individual feedback on their arguments and presentation styles to make them more confident and professional. All sessions will be recorded.

Second Semester Online Apologetics (Stoa and NCFCA)

Start Date: Feb. 19, 8:00-9:00pm CT (every other week)
Cost: $40 members/$50 nonmembers
Instructors: Matthew Harper and Kirsten Erickson

Are you competing in apologetics in NCFCA or Stoa? Interested in trying the category but unsure where to start? Or simply looking to gain a deeper understanding of Christianity and how to defend it? If so, Lasting Impact’s online apologetics club is for you! Aimed at helping students prepare throughout the semester and stay engaged between tournaments, meetings occur twice a month, alternating between apologetics teaching and speech coaching. All meetings are recorded, so you can review previous sessions if you miss a week or would like to review a lesson. All experience levels are welcome; whether you’ve competed in apologetics for years or are trying it for the first time, you will be encouraged and equipped!

Second Semester Team Policy Debate Club (NCFCA)

When: Starting Wed. Feb. 13
Time: Approx. 1 hour/ 8:00-9:00pm CT
Instructor: Eric Meinerding
Cost: $50 per member/ $75 per non-member

Looking for additional Team Policy support for the competition season? Well you’re in luck! Eric Meinerding is hosting a second semester TP debate club exclusively through Lasting Impact. He’ll be meeting with students weekly for 8 weeks, all across the NCFCA nation to work through strategies against the popular cases, find the best arguments in the current climate, go over ballots, discuss debate theory, advanced impacting, and a host of other topics. Included with your enrollment is a free coaching session with Eric at any point during the season to get direct, personalized feedback tailored directly to your team’s needs. So whether you are without a club for the season, looking to go above and beyond, or are looking for innovative strategies, this seminar will provide what you’re looking for.

LD (NCFCA) Club for Intermediate/Advanced Students

Instructor: Joel Erickson
When: Feb. 12, 8:00-9:00pm CT (meets weekly for 8 weeks)
Cost: $50 per member/$75 non member

We’ll be studying advanced strategy and drilling techniques, deconstructing cases, and collaborating on briefs. The club will be recorded weekly.

To SIGN UP for any one of these awesome opportunities… CLICK HERE

Why Online Apologetics?

Now is the time to join Online Apol. Don’t take our word… here is what members have said…

“I recently completed the Online Apologetics class with Lasting Impact. The coaches were inspiring and welcoming. In this class, there is opportunity for in-depth conversation as well as personalized feedback on speeches. If you are considering this class you should go for it! You will learn more than you could ever expect. Creating cards can seem like an overwhelming task, but each class gives you enough material to write at least one card, and often much more. This was helpful in preparing for tournaments, and in general, all of life’s big questions.” ~ student, KS

“Online Apololegics opens the door to not only to great apologetics resources, but also to great apologetics discussions and feedback. Online Apol. will challenge you personally in your walk with Christ, equip you to effectively communicate in competition or out of competition , and give you the tools to powerfully persuade in your day to day conversations. For me, Online Apol. has encouraged me significantly in my study of Scriptures… and they are more valuable than “fine gold” (Psalm 19:10).!! Talking about God’s life answers with others who also passionately follow Him is so incredible! Discussing and learning together in online forum has helped me answer some of the biggest questions.” ~ Rachel Bechtel, alumni/instructor

“This was the best online class ever. It not only helped my daughter get started competing in apologetics, but more importantly it strengthened her relationship with the Lord & caused her to delve into Scripture & pursue her relationship with Christ in a new & powerful way.” ~ mom, FL

“Apologetics challenged me to know how to deal with the tough questions. I still don’t always have the right answer, but it taught me how to express what I do know in an honest, genuine manner. Being okay with not knowing every little detail of the Christian faith, and instead focusing on the big truths and trusting the Holy Spirit to move within the hearts of those who you come into contact with.” ~ Myles McLean, alumni/instructor

“I chose to compete in Apologetics because I love to learn about God. Participating in Apologetics made me ask the questions I never thought I could answer. I wanted to prepare to defend my faith – but now I know that doing Apologetics changed me as a person and that is the greatest defense I can give. Spending that much time learning about who God is makes you understand Him so much more. I still use quotes and concepts I learned in Apologetics. Even more, I now know how to go deeper into God’s Word. I would not be in this place today if I didn’t participate in the discipline of Apologetics.” ~ Elizabeth, alumni

“Apologetics is the only speech event that you can use in the following year. You can master material over several years. Every other speech event requires starting from scratch! I so believe in the spiritual effectiveness, I have written a curriculum to equip students. It’s used by families all over the country, entitled, Fearless Apologetics. You can find it at As you make your plans for the new school year, consider making time for Apologetics. It may be the most important course your teen takes.” ~ Chap Bettis, parent/pastor

photo by: JulieAnne Photography



Warning: Competing in Apologetics Can be Dangerous

So many students decide not to compete in Apologetics. The number one reason I hear… fear. Fear in saying the wrong thing, fear of not knowing enough. Setting off on a quest can feal intimidating… especially alone. This is why we created Online Apologetics. This group is a friendly, encouraging place for students and families to build each other up, as well as equipping them for life. Below is an article by one of our 2018-2019 leaders. If you are wanting a community in your Apologetics journey… join us!

Remember- Isaiah 41:10 – Do not fear, for I am with you…

Continue reading “Warning: Competing in Apologetics Can be Dangerous”

The Thesis Statement by: Abbey Lovett

What is the point of a thesis statement? Is it valuable? Here, in this article, Abbey Lovett (soon to be Kish), briefly explores the topic of the thesis statement for Speech and Debate. For more of Abbey’s awesome teaching- join her this Fall as she brings students on a deeper understanding of Impromptu,  through her – Lasting Impact! Online Impromptu Club. Sign up NOW! For more information, click here.

The Thesis Statement. Such an ominous and scary concept. Or at least that’s how I felt as a young communicator. In fact, I hardly ever used a thesis in my presentations because I couldn’t grasp the concept. What makes a good thesis statement? How do I make a thesis statement that fully grasps what I want to talk about? How do I present that statement in the speech?

Continue reading “The Thesis Statement by: Abbey Lovett”