How To Decide? Selling Your Speech Topic Idea

You have probably heard me before talk about this part of your Speech and Debate Journey… welcome to the Exploratory Phase - the time when you should be exploring ideas, options, cases, even books (please tell me you aren’t only using a search engine)! Honestly, this is one of my favorite times - I have stacks of books scattered around my house, coaching appointments are made up “idea generating sessions”, the TV, radio, newspaper could give me a lead on the next best idea! So why is it that so many people struggle with this Phase!!?

While you are in the Exploratory Phase… you need to do just that - EXPLORE! How else are you going to decide what you want to talk about for the next 4-10 months (you think I am over exaggerating, but I’m not). In order for you to make progress… you actually have to put in the work! Here, I’ll help- I will break it down in a little check list for you to decide if you will be able to sell your idea to your future audience…

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Last Call For Fall 2022 Speech and Debate Classes/Club – Register NOW!

Join the largest Speech and Debate Club in the Nation! Did you know Lasting Impact! is offering 14 different online clubs/classes this fall!!? From Junior/Novice Debate Readiness to Extemp Round Table to Interp/Drama Club to Speech to Debate…

  • Public Speaking 2 with Heather Neumann (only a few spots left!)
  • Advanced Team Policy
  • Apologetics with Noah McKay
  • Art of Interp/Drama Club with Heather Neumann
  • Beginner TP with Emalyn Sharp
  • Debate Readiness with Amy Eichholz
  • Extemp Roundtable (begins in Nov.)
  • Foundational LD Debate with Noah McKay
  • Foundations of Platform Speaking with Emalyn Sharp
  • Intermediate LD with Hillary Kolssak
  • Novice Team Policy
  • Parli Debate
  • Speech Club (full)
  • Literary Analysis (2nd Semester)

Prices will increase Aug. 29. Club leaders contact for special club leader pricing. Check out all our offerings and sign up, HERE.

Introducing the 2022-2023 NCFCA LD Guide by: Noah McKay

The LD Guide is HERE – !
This guidebook is written as a preparatory resource for beginning, intermediate, and advanced Lincoln-Douglas competitors, as well as coaches, club leaders, and parents. Unlike many sourcebooks on the market, it is not primarily a catalog of source material (though there are plenty of useful resources cited throughout). My aim is to walk you through the process of writing a constructive speech (colloquially known among LD debaters as a “case”) step-by-step, offering explanations, sources, and example arguments wherever they might be useful along the way. By the time you have finished reading this guide, you will understand how the components of an LD case fit together and how the best arguments in LD are formulated, and you will know how to apply that understanding to this year’s topic. While I have written this guide to be accessible for beginners, I am very confident that advanced students will also find valuable insights within…

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Lasting Impact! New Line Up- 2021 Fall Speech and Debate Clubs and Opportunities

I know it sounds crazy, but are you ready for fall!? There is something exciting about the planning process that I absolutely love! Therefore, I thought you might like a hint as to what is in store through Lasting Impact!

Online Speech Club –

Meet with students from across the country learning together the Art of Communication. Lead by Heather Neumann, the Ms Frizzle of the competitive speech world. This one semester club will meet weekly, and teach valuable lessons to implement into Speech and Debate. Each student will perform and have a speech ready by the end of the semester.

Interp Club – NEW

Grow your interpretive skills with this new innovative club. Students will grow through a variety of experiences- cold reading, monologues, play reading, prose, and much more. Students will also be preparing an interpretive piece used for competition. This club will meet weekly, first semester and is lead by Heather Neumann.

Apologetics Club –

Come and grow and figure your out how you would answer questions of your faith. Weekly meetings include elements of learning how to compete in Apologetics, but mostly diving into how one would answer such questions as explain the meaning and significance of the trinity, why does God allow evil, etc.

Limited Prep Club –

Who couldn’t benefit from learning to think on their feet better. This unique club will explore the elements of putting together your thought process. The main focus of this club will be Impromptu Speaking, but other Limited Prep events will be covered.

Debate Clubs –

As always, Lasting Impact! plans to offer both beginning and advanced Debate Clubs for both Team Policy and Lincoln Douglas Debate.

The Debate Circuit –

Yes! The Circuit will be back! Weekly rounds via Zoom to help your cases get refined. There will also be an outrounds included. The Circuit starts late Sept and ends before Thanksgiving.

Junior Opportunities –

Speech and Debate doesn’t need to start in High School. Lasting Impact! will also be offering Order in the Court again with Julie Romeo, Beginner Speech – for students ages 9-12, and Debate Readiness with Amy Eichholz.

In addition to all of these fantastic clubs we have a plethora of information for families, club leaders, and coaches. We are putting together NEW worksheets and videos to help simplify the teaching process. We are excited for what the 2021-22 has in store! Whether you are online or in person, Lasting Impact! aims to have the resources you need to succeed! Registration will be opening up SOON! Space will be limited.

Don’t forget Summer Camps are right around the corner!! Contact us if your club wants to have the Lasting Impact! Team come your way!! Please contact us if your have any questions!!

Who’s Your Support? by: Emalyn Sharp

It was my first year in Team Policy Debate. I was young and inexperienced, my partner even more so, and I was terrified. I thought we were going to die. And we would have, if not for our club. It was an online club, full of experienced debaters, many of whom were seniors. I had nothing to offer them. I could barely research, so I wasn’t useful in the evidence sharing department. My strategy was sub-par. It was not useful to practice debate us; In fact, I’m sure it felt more like pulling teeth.
But they didn’t mind.

Continue reading “Who’s Your Support? by: Emalyn Sharp”

A New Speech and Debate Curriculum to Explore

This summer I was invited to be a part of something epic! I love collaborating with like-minded organizations. If you have never heard of DFW Speech and Debate, let me introduce you to James Russell, the director, and the vision for this new, awesome speech and debate curriculum…

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For all you, Speech and Debaters (and Coaches and Clubs) Start Where You Are – Aim Where You Want To Be

Who's having trouble getting started right now? On anything...

In the wake of extensive 'shut downs' and tectonic shifts of our existing paradigms, most of us are having trouble gearing up to start anything back up. Nothing is working the way it has in the past. Nothing is clear about what comes a month from now, or even next week. There seems to be no long-term vision or goal that feels attainable. That makes it hard to start. And yet...start we must. It's a new beginning.

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Last Week to Register – Online Clubs, Classes, and Tournament Circuit

It’s been a fantastic summer!! Yet, we are ready to see what God has in store for us NEXT! The question is, are you?!? This fall Lasting Impact! is bigger than ever – online clubs, classes, and tournaments! Classes and Clubs start the week of or after Labor Day. The Online Tournament Circuit starts the end of the September. Be sure you register today! Want to learn more information about these online opportunities – read on…

Continue reading “Last Week to Register – Online Clubs, Classes, and Tournament Circuit”

Add Fun to Virtual/Online Club – 11 Virtual Games Club Leaders Should Try

It's a whole new world!! Is the thought of running your speech and debate club online getting you down? Heather Neumann, Founder of Lasting Impact!, has created a whole list of virtual games, activities, and fun, regardless of what online platform you are using (these could all be done in person too). Check out these great ideas on how to engage, interact, and connect with your students online this year. Remember, although club may look different from years past, students still want the opportunity to get together, express themselves, and grow through the art of communication! These game are easy and fun! Let me know what you think, and remember- You Got This!

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TP or LD? – A Parent (and Coach and Judge) Perspective by: Stacy Edmond

Arne Duncan, then Secretary of Education, said in 2010, “debate is uniquely suited to build skills required of a modern citizen, including critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.”

Most of us in the world of education would agree that competitive debate is a valuable activity for students of all skill levels, however, the style of debate preferred or which format a student new to debate should begin with, is, well, up for debate…

Continue reading “TP or LD? – A Parent (and Coach and Judge) Perspective by: Stacy Edmond”

Sign Up NOW for Lasting Impact! Fall Online Classes and Clubs

Are you ready? This is our biggest and best fall line up of online classes and clubs to date. Each year, it seems, the need grows. We are happy to be able to provide such excellent resources to the speech and debate community. This year we will be offering two types of Online Apologetics, four different debate clubs, a variety of options for younger students, plus a whole lot more! Check out all of our Clubs HERE. Check out all of our Classes HERE. And coming soon – news about our Fall Tournament Circuit, as well as our Fall Online Tournament Schedule! Be sure to stay up on the latest- SUBSCRIBE (right hand side of our home page), follow us on Insta or Facebook.

Club Planning – How do you inject FUN into Speech and Debate Club?

I know what you are thinking? How do you inject any fun into club if we will be meeting online? What will Speech and Debate look like next season? I am hear to tell you – it CAN be done! I have been teaching, coaching, and leading clubs (and now directing tournaments) ONLINE for four years!! Like everything else – it just takes practice!! Give yourself some time. You Got This – Cuz He’s Got You…

Continue reading “Club Planning – How do you inject FUN into Speech and Debate Club?”