Now that the Lasting Impact! TP Sourcebook is released, we, the four authors behind it, are answering a few questions about the sourcebook in order to provide you with the context of how this sourcebook came to be, and what we hope you gain from it…
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Why did you want to write this sourcebook?
Last spring, as there was talk of the season being cancelled, we all hoped it wouldn’t come to that. Team Policy debate, especially the research involved, had become a big part of our lives and we didn’t want that to end abruptly. After the season cancellation notice, we knew that we were going to be doing enough research for the 2020/2021 season to compile a sourcebook on our own. We thought that it would be beneficial to debaters across the nation to have access to this work. Before the resolution voting was opened, we were discussing the philosophy behind how we were going to write the sourcebook. We started by researching each of the three resolutions until the current one was selected; then we continued studying the chosen resolution with more depth. Now, after months of research and writing we finally have a product that we believe will be beneficial for everyone!
Not only do the four of us love debate research, we also greatly enjoy each other’s company. The sourcebook wasn’t a chore to write because we constantly made each other laugh, and are greatly intrigued by this year’s resolution. The hundreds of collective hours we spent researching, discussing, and bonding certainly paid off; we came out with a product we’re greatly satisfied with, and plenty of new memories and inside jokes.
How did you go about writing cases?
Because we all knew each other before writing the sourcebook, we were able to come up with a natural way to write cases. We decided to keep working with our partners to simulate real case and brief writing. One team would write a 1AC, while the other team would create a negative brief against that case from their own unique perspective. Then, the team that originally wrote the 1AC would come back and create the backup responding to the points of the negative brief. This method of case creation created an organic experience that replicates the thorough argumentation of rounds throughout the season.
Why Lasting Impact?
First and foremost, the philosophy behind Lasting Impact! is integral to its products’ value. While it aims at helping competitors achieve success in their seasons, its unique overall mission focuses primarily upon growing competitors in their speaking and reasoning skills for life in order that they might make a lasting impact on those around them. With our sourcebook, we aim to follow the same philosophy. While it is our hope that this resource will assist debaters in achieving greater success in competition, we ultimately hope that the sourcebook will also hone the debaters’ skills for life far beyond the podium.
What do you hope people get out of it?
Ultimately, we hope that debaters, parents, and coaches are able to use this sourcebook as a place to jump-start their research this season and lead their students to do the same. Whenever you’re researching a new resolution, an important first step is to thoroughly understand each part of the resolution and how those parts are interconnected. The resolutional analysis document does just that; it provides debaters with necessary background information. Regardless of experience level, debaters will gain a quicker grasp of this resolution and an accelerated understanding of the topic. Beyond that, this sourcebook is meant to be a starting place for all debaters. It’s a stellar tool for learning how to pick apart cases and introducing oneself to the resolution, and it provides you with the tools you need to combat any case you encounter. Its 415 cards of evidence will not only help give debaters a solid base of research to expand upon, but will also remain useful until the end of the season.
What have you learned?
Aside from the resolution-specific knowledge we gained, we all grew in our friendship and got to know each other much better. It’s always valuable to have more experience working with a team and to be given opportunities to practice problem-solving methods. The natural environment of writing this sourcebook allowed us to bond and grow closer to both Christ and each other. We also learned how to coordinate and delegate responsibilities in a larger group setting.
Regarding debate more specifically, we grew to enjoy EU immigration policy vastly more than we previously had! When the resolution was announced, we were all slightly wary. However, after the hundreds of hours we poured into the topic, we have come out with a greater enthusiasm for the topic than we had thought possible before!
Overall, this was a deeply enriching and educational experience, and we greatly appreciate being given this opportunity. We’d all like to thank Lasting Impact! for granting us the honor of writing their TP sourcebook, as it was rewarding on every level.
~ Your 2020-21 NCFCA TP Sourcebook Team – Sarah Fox, Logan Hickman, Anna Macklem, and Eli Mayfield
The 2020-21 NCFCA TP Sourcebook is available in the SHOP. For one week it will available at only $24.95!! Check it out HERE. More products will be added throughout August for both NCFCA and Stoa competitors. Also, be watching for some exciting news as to where you may be able to implement the Sourcebook.
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