Lasting Impact! Interns Wanted

Once again, Lasting Impact! is offering opportunities for students wanting internships. Last year, we had kids from all over the country contributing to our programs. High school and college students can gain experience, knowledge, and growth through our internship opportunities. Depending on your availability, sometimes we can fit your desires into our needs. Contact us and read the descriptions below to see if you are excited about leaving a lasting impact on the next generation.

Writers– Lasting Impact! publishes two articles a week. This is sometimes a huge feat for us. However, with the help of our Lasting Impact! Writers, we are able to cover more information, hear from a variety of perspectives, and are able to keep up with our demands.

Editors– In order to keep up with all our needs, editors are definitely a must! In addition to articles, we also have numerous publications. If you love editing, this could be an excellent opportunity for you.

Apologetics Ambassadors– Online Apologetics will meet weekly during the fall semester- likely Tue. evening 8:00-9:00 CT. Ambassadors will be a part of the weekly meetings and assist the leader. They will have a heart for Apologetics and be an encouragement to new students.

Impromptu Club Leaders– Online Impromptu will meet weekly during the fall semester- likely Thur. evening 7:00-8:00 CT. Club Leaders will be a part of the weekly meetings and assist leader, Abbey Lovett. They will have a heart for Impromptu and be an encouragement to new students.

Speech Club Captains– Our Online Speech Club will meet Tue. mornings during the fall semester. Club Captains will be a part of the weekly meetings and assist the leader. They will have a heart for Speech and be an encouragement to new students.

Marketing– There is always something to promote within Lasting Impact!- books, workshops, memberships, etc. If you have a passion to market things- Lasting Impact! could use you!

How to get involved? Contact –