Join Lasting Impact! Apologetics Club! By: Ethan Tong

Join our Apol Club starting TOMORROW!!

My hope is that this Apol Club will change the way you think about Apologetics. Not because I espouse a new, heretical position, but because I treat topics as part of a broader whole. When we talk about inspiration, I don’t students to just answer with the wrote “yes, the Bible is inspired because 1 Timothy says all Scripture is God-breathed.” I will be discussing the entire topic of the Bible’s writing: Did God speak every single word into the writer’s ears like a person speaking through a Bluetooth earbud? Is that really what we have to believe? On the other hand––did he simply put the idea of a topic in the writer’s mind? How can we trust that the words are what God meant it to say, then?

When it comes to even the most basic questions about God, like “Is God loving?”, I seek to draw a picture of God rather than answer each question. God isn’t a human who has certain features or emotions. Every aspect of God is an overflow of who he is. Therefore, he’s not “loving,” he is love itself! He’s not righteous, he’s righteousness itself! God’s attributes are not choices God made––they are integral to who he is as the “greatest possible being” (as St. Anselm says it).

This is just a sneak peek into what Apol Club will look like. Many students have told me that this club revolutionized the way they think about God and about their spiritual life. One student wrote to me this past fall that I’ve helped him become more motivated to read his Bible! 

I hope many of you will join this club. Ever since joining seminary in Fall of 2023, I’ve been passionate to share my new thoughts with people who have only ever seen a fraction of what the Bible is.

I believe, we are doing a disservice if we treat Apol like a chance to “prove our knowledge.” 1 Corinthians 8:1 says that knowledge puffs up! What builds up? Love. We need to speak on these topics with a heart for those whom God dearly loves––which is all people.

It will be life-changing to hear theology addressed as a larger whole rather than as just discrete topics on a paper card. And it’s all just $75––about $5 per session! Please, come and join!! Apol Club is not just for students who are competing in a speech category… it’s for all who want to understand deeper what you believe, how to articulate your thoughts, grow in the Word, and so much more!