Free Moot Court Judging Webinar

The first Moot Court tournament of the year is coming up, and that means many parents will be judging for the first time!

Judging Moot Court is a favorite for many parents. They love the ability to interact with student arguments. I mean, how often do you just WISH you could pipe up and ask a debater to explain their case a little more?? Or to ask them how they would answer a particular objection? That’s exactly what you get to do the whole round in Moot Court.

But on the other hand, Moot Court is very intimidating for new judges. If the students know more than me… will any questions I ask even be good questions? What if I just agree with everything they’ve said? 

And what is this year’s case even about?? 

That’s where we come in. Our mission at Lasting Impact! is to equip parents and students so they can judge and compete at the highest level. We’re offering TWO FREE webinars coming up on January 8th and 9th (Wednesday and Thursday night, 8pm CT). Register here:

The first night we’ll cover the case packet, to give you a quick preview into what the case is all about. The second night, we’ll cover judging tips: asking good questions even if you haven’t read that much of the packet, filling out the ballot, deciphering between prepared and unprepared competitors, etc.

You are invited to attend both webinars if you’d like, but if you can only make one (or only need one), feel free to attend whichever you prefer! And invite others––this is entirely free of charge because we want parents to feel equipped!

Here’s one tip you can keep in your back pocket for judging this year: ask them “why.” When they say that a particular Supreme Court case said xyz, ask them why the Court decided that. What is the logic behind that? Why would the Court say xyz instead of abc? That will push them to see if they’re just parroting the Court’s language or if they have a robust understanding of why the Court ruled the way it did.

More where that came from! Come to the judging webinar, and invite others!