Join Lasting Impact! Apologetics Club! By: Ethan Tong

Join our Apol Club starting TOMORROW!!

My hope is that this Apol Club will change the way you think about Apologetics. Not because I espouse a new, heretical position, but because I treat topics as part of a broader whole. When we talk about inspiration, I don’t students to just answer with the wrote “yes, the Bible is inspired because 1 Timothy says all Scripture is God-breathed.” I will be discussing the entire topic of the Bible’s writing: Did God speak every single word into the writer’s ears like a person speaking through a Bluetooth earbud? Is that really what we have to believe? On the other hand––did he simply put the idea of a topic in the writer’s mind? How can we trust that the words are what God meant it to say, then?

When it comes to even the most basic questions about God, like “Is God loving?”, I seek to draw a picture of God rather than answer each question. God isn’t a human who has certain features or emotions. Every aspect of God is an overflow of who he is. Therefore, he’s not “loving,” he is love itself! He’s not righteous, he’s righteousness itself! God’s attributes are not choices God made––they are integral to who he is as the “greatest possible being” (as St. Anselm says it).

This is just a sneak peek into what Apol Club will look like. Many students have told me that this club revolutionized the way they think about God and about their spiritual life. One student wrote to me this past fall that I’ve helped him become more motivated to read his Bible! 

I hope many of you will join this club. Ever since joining seminary in Fall of 2023, I’ve been passionate to share my new thoughts with people who have only ever seen a fraction of what the Bible is.

I believe, we are doing a disservice if we treat Apol like a chance to “prove our knowledge.” 1 Corinthians 8:1 says that knowledge puffs up! What builds up? Love. We need to speak on these topics with a heart for those whom God dearly loves––which is all people.

It will be life-changing to hear theology addressed as a larger whole rather than as just discrete topics on a paper card. And it’s all just $75––about $5 per session! Please, come and join!! Apol Club is not just for students who are competing in a speech category… it’s for all who want to understand deeper what you believe, how to articulate your thoughts, grow in the Word, and so much more!

Free Moot Court Judging Webinar

The first Moot Court tournament of the year is coming up, and that means many parents will be judging for the first time!

Judging Moot Court is a favorite for many parents. They love the ability to interact with student arguments. I mean, how often do you just WISH you could pipe up and ask a debater to explain their case a little more?? Or to ask them how they would answer a particular objection? That’s exactly what you get to do the whole round in Moot Court.

But on the other hand, Moot Court is very intimidating for new judges. If the students know more than me… will any questions I ask even be good questions? What if I just agree with everything they’ve said? 

And what is this year’s case even about?? 

That’s where we come in. Our mission at Lasting Impact! is to equip parents and students so they can judge and compete at the highest level. We’re offering TWO FREE webinars coming up on January 8th and 9th (Wednesday and Thursday night, 8pm CT). Register here:

The first night we’ll cover the case packet, to give you a quick preview into what the case is all about. The second night, we’ll cover judging tips: asking good questions even if you haven’t read that much of the packet, filling out the ballot, deciphering between prepared and unprepared competitors, etc.

You are invited to attend both webinars if you’d like, but if you can only make one (or only need one), feel free to attend whichever you prefer! And invite others––this is entirely free of charge because we want parents to feel equipped!

Here’s one tip you can keep in your back pocket for judging this year: ask them “why.” When they say that a particular Supreme Court case said xyz, ask them why the Court decided that. What is the logic behind that? Why would the Court say xyz instead of abc? That will push them to see if they’re just parroting the Court’s language or if they have a robust understanding of why the Court ruled the way it did.

More where that came from! Come to the judging webinar, and invite others!

Understanding New Speech Categories: Specifically Biblical Thematic

As competitive speech evolves, new categories are introduced to challenge competitors and enrich the repertoire of performance styles. Back in 2016, NCFCA created a new category geared to using a prop and the Bible. Versions of the category stuck, and I don’t think it’s going to go away because of the specific benefits you can gain by competing in it. 

Stoa also created a new category in 2023 called Interp in a Box. They have since retired the category, however those that got to partake in it learned a great deal. You see, new categories bring forth fresh dynamics and specific rules that participants must master. So let’s explore how to tackle new categories, detailing their rules, objectives, and strategies for understanding the benefits of exploring a different type of Interp… Read on OR SIGN UP FOR INTERP CLUB - Uncover all of the benefits, mysteries, and JOYS of Interpretive Speech!

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Improv vs Impromptu By: Lynda DePasacreta

When I was 19 years old, (gosh that was a long time ago!) I ran a 6 week summer Theatre Camp based almost entirely on improvisation. Improv for short, we would develop our listening skills to learn excellent communication and performance skills. Sound like Fun? For those that are unclear as to what Improvisation actually is, the University of Chicago, one of the leading Improv Institutions, defines it like this: (Improv) “is a live performance in which the actors make up scenes, dialogue and characters on the spot (sometimes incorporating suggestions from the audience). It’s often comedic, though not always.” Sound slightly familiar?  How about this definition: “to make, invent, or arrange offhand” (Merriam Webster) In competitive, public speaking, Impromptu is a category where we often do all of the above.

Continue reading “Improv vs Impromptu By: Lynda DePasacreta”

Will You Be the Next Regional Apologetics Champion? By: Ethan Tong

Online Apol starts TONIGHT!! Remember, all classes are recorded! Ethan Tong will coach this semester class/club. Sign up HERE – Or read on for his valuable insight…

I never used a box in Apologetics. Early on, I had a box in which I stored blank cards, but eventually, I stopped using a box at all. At first, I told people that I wasn’t using a box because “you don’t have a box with you in real life when someone asks you a hard question.” But… that was an excuse. I was a little too lazy to figure out how to print stuff onto index cards, and I was definitely too lazy to HANDWRITE all the cards.

But my senior year, I won the Region 4 Championship (which used to be all of Texas and Oklahoma!) in Apologetics. Without a box! How? Let me give you some of my secrets…

Continue reading “Will You Be the Next Regional Apologetics Champion? By: Ethan Tong”

Unlocking the Power of Interpretive Speeches

Is this your year to try an interpretive speech? It’s not too late to jump in! Not sure where to begin or want to get on a FAST TRACK? Join me and Mrs. D for Fast Track Interp. We will be your very own guides through the World of Interp. Sign up now! Or keep reading this article on WHY you need to add an interpretive speech to your high school speech and debate career!

You might be wondering, "Why on earth should we care about these speeches?" Well, you're in for a treat because interpretive speaking isn't just another high school requirement – it's a valuable skill that can benefit you in countless ways. So, let's break it down and discover why interpretive speeches are worth your time and effort.

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Second Semester Clubs Are About to Begin! SIGN UP NOW!

We are in full gear of the 2024 Tournament Season! Are you reading those ballots and feeling like you just need a little more push, edge, or inspiration!? Join a Lasting Impact! Club for all of the above, including GROWTH and fellowship! Second Semester Clubs are geared for the competition! Our coaches are actively involved in tournaments, judging, watching, understanding the elements of Speech and Debate, and what trends are trending. Are you looking for a little more this season? Sign up for one or more of the club below…

  • Speech 102 – Heather Neumann , along with public speaking pros, will be helping students take a deeper dive into their speeches. Students will practice and hone their speeches and receive feedback.
  • FAST TRACK – Interp – A six week course on quickly on creating a piece. There’s no reason not to jump into an interpretive speech this season! Why not start NOW!
  • LD Strategies – Ethan Tong will lead students deeper through the NCFCA resolution. This will be the place to be for extra practice, analysis, and growth!
  • Limited Prep Club – This eight week course with Honor Hoffmann will help you navigate the limited prep events – Apologetics, Extemporaneous, and Impromptu Speaking. These three events take practice! And typically more than just at a tournament! Come gain insight into these valuable events!

All clubs will be recorded, if you can’t make it. But as always, you will get the most out of being present! Tell your friends! Head to the SHOP and sign up NOW! Looking for more individual growth? Sign up for a one on one Coaching Session or a Script Assessment HERE. We look forward to seeing you soon!

FREE Moot Court Judging Webinar – Nov. 28

Parents! If you’re interested in judging Moot Court this year, but aren’t sure if you’ll be able to tackle the material, Lasting Impact! is putting on a workshop just for you. Ethan Tong, Blackstone Head Coach, will be explaining this year’s packet in the most accessible way possible, giving you a head start so that you can feel confident judging rounds. He’ll explain both sides of every argument the competitors could make, give you a list of good questions to ask students to take home with you, and give tips on ballot scoring. You won’t want to miss. And best of all, it’s FREE! Please invite anyone else you may know who’s interested. We want to give this resource to you so that the season is the best it can be for the competitors! Click HERE to register.

When: Tuesday, November 28th, at 7:30-9pm CT
Where: Zoom!

2023-2024 – Biggest LD Year Ever!

If you are a student, parent, club leader, or coach… Lasting Impact! is here to assist you in your speech and debate journey! This year will be our biggest Lincoln Douglas year ever! From clubs/classes – intro to advanced, to casebooks to guide books, to one on one coaching, to clubs. We are here for you! We coach all leagues… you should check out everything we offer…

  • Intro to LD with Peter Montgomery (not league specific)
  • LD Fundamentals with Nathanael and Hillary Kolssak
  • LD Strategies with Ethan Tong
  • Advanced LD with Noah McKay
  • Stoa LD with Charis Baker
  • NCFCA LD Guide Book Bundle – 2 Guides!!
  • Stoa LD – 5 Resolution Casebook

Head to the SHOP to see all the resources and how we can assist you!

Interp 101 – Why Interpretive Speech

For the second year in a row we will be offering Intro to Interpretive Speech (Tuesdays at noon CT). Why!? Because there is a HUGE NEED for students to understand PEOPLE! The Art of Communication isn’t just standing up reciting a speech or debating… it’s about understanding who we are, where are coming from, what we have been through, and so much more. My interpretive/drama students learn this by exploring literature, the stage, characters, settings, scenes, etc. If you have been on the fence about trying out an interpretive speech or want to learn how to get better at it… this is the class/club for you! Instructors, Heather Neumann and Lynda DePasacreta can’t wait to explore the Interpretive Speech Events such as Open, Duo, Humorous, Dramatic, Biblical, and/or Original. You will learn how to pick the right piece of you, how to grow as a character, understanding characters, how to cut a piece, making sure you know what you want to say in an introduction and/or conclusion, and so much more. Together this dynamic duo have coached thousands of students, including National Champions. If you want to become a better speaker in ANY type of speech… add an Interp and sign up NOW!

Happy 4th SALE! Online Speech and Debate Camps – Membership Prices for ALL!

MEMBERSHIP PRiCES for ALL – through the 4th of July!! Our Online Camps are LESS THAN $100 (see below for details on the discounts). Sign up today for Lasting Impact! Online Camps, they will provide – amazing information, instruction, and inspiration! And, as always, the recording is FREE! Running a Club this year? Club Leaders are also welcome to attend! Learn and glean from top notch coaches to walk away with a jump start on the season making progress towards success!

Ethan Tong said, “Some of my fondest memories of High School Speech and Debate were the summer camps: hanging out with friends, not understanding how much I was learning, with little to no pressure to perform well. I remember one camp in Wisconsin where I was doing a practice round. One of the camp coaches was judging. I could not finish a single sentence without stuttering and saying ums all over the place––despite it being my 2nd year competing. I was so embarrassed that I literally said, in my speech, “I’m sorry, I promise I’m usually not this bad”!”

The great thing about camps is that you’re allowed to make mistakes and not be on your best game. You need to remember- you go to camp to learn, grow, and explore!

Lasting Impact! is offering summer speech and debate camps all over the country – including Hawaii! But did you know we also are providing some AMAZING speech and debate opportunities ONLINE this summer?? We are offering ONLINE DEBATE – in three different events––TP, LD, and Moot Court–– and ONLINE SPEECH! We guarantee they will help you learn the elements to get you started on the road to progress. By heading to a summer camp you are guaranteed to be further ahead than if you didn’t! We, at Lasting Impact!, are all about the process and progress over the perfection! If you can’t make it to an in person camp this summer… check out these online options…

TP and LD Camp – (TP – July 10-11/LD – July 12-13) These are called “Principles of TP” and “Principles of LD” because we will not just teach you how to succeed in a particular resolution, but how to succeed in any resolution. Coach Ethan Tong and Coach Nathanael Kolssak will teach you the principles of debate that all nationally-ranked debaters use. They are not only experienced coaches and past competitors, but they are also experienced judges! Therefore, they will be able to give you tips from the other side of the table and tell you what judges like and what they don’t like. Click HERE and enter the Code – DISCOUNT2310 for $25 OFF!!

Moot Camp – (July 26-27 or Aug. 4-5) This camp is geared for beginners and advanced. Beginners will cover…

⁃What is Moot Court?
⁃What To Do When Cracking Open the Packet
⁃Case Writing 101
⁃Responding to Questions 101
⁃2023 Packet Discussion
⁃…and more!

The advanced track will cover:
⁃Improving at Moot
⁃Case Writing 201: Compelling Intros and Conclusions
⁃Mastering the Rebuttal
⁃2023 Packet Discussion
Click HERE. And enter the Code- DISCOUNT2310 for $10 OFF!!

Jump Start Speech – (July 17) Heather Neumann will lead students of all levels to get a kick start for the upcoming season. Through class time and engaging activities, Heather will break down all the speech categories, teach the benefits of speech and debate, and dispel various myths. Even the most apprehensive students will walk away with a foundation, and the varsity students will be inspired! Click HERE. And enter the Code- DISCOUNT2310 for $10 OFF!!

Do you need a camp to do well? No, not necessarily, but our camps will have value. You have the opportunity to start your journey NOW! Begin the process NOW. Oh––and one more thing: we promise these camps will be fun. Yes, they’re online. But we use high energy, humor, games, activities, and everything in our power to make these camps some of the best you’ve ever been to. Just hear what a Moot Court camper said:

“The energy was immaculate, the feedback was top tier, and the way the coaches handled everything (from jokes to lectures to drills to giving tips) exceeded my already high expectations greatly. Would 100% pay again. 10/10.”

Sign Up Today!

Formulating Thoughts About Rationalism vs Empiricism (LD – NCFCA) by: Isaiah Depp

Isaiah Depp competed in Speech and Debate for four years. He began reluctantly, but found a passion for articulating his thoughts, debating arguments, and processing ideas. He was blessed to study under a few master coaches, including Isaiah McPeak and Laurie Dawson. He submerged himself into a deep dive learning process uncovering everything he could from researching an argument, to actually understanding the other side and presenting cases. Isaiah enjoys thinking through the ideas and with new NCFCA resolution out, he thought, “why not dive into it?” and below are his initial thoughts…Enjoy!

Continue reading “Formulating Thoughts About Rationalism vs Empiricism (LD – NCFCA) by: Isaiah Depp”