The Difference Between an Informative Intro and an Impactful Intro

Definition of Introduction: the thing preliminary to something else, especially in an explanation section at the beginning of a book, report, or speech. If you have read any of the going on 400 articles Lasting Impact! has wrote, I have already made it very clear I think an Introduction is super important element in your Interpretive Speeches. But one type of Intro might have a little more punch when it comes to the judges...

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Interp Tip – Read Something NEW! by: Colin Rust

I met Colin quite a few years ago, ironically on the set of one of my favorite classic literary pieces, A Christmas Carol. Like all good cast mates we keep in touch over social media. I knew Colin was the guy I needed to go to when I needed help inspiring my Lasting Impact! Community to READ! I saw so many speeches last year that have been done before. Sure, it may be classic literature, but it left nothing for my imagination. I know those stories. Colin is constantly reading! People take note… if you want to have a fresh, new, inspiring Interpretive Speech – take Colin’s advice… Read Something New…

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Interp Rules to Consider

How many of you play by the rules? Every year, at this time, our team reads through the Speech and Debate Rules… again. We read through League Handbooks, the General Rules, the Guidelines, and whatever else pertains to making sure we fully UNDERSTAND the rules! Today we will break down some of the Interp Rules that pop out at us. I always say, “speech is real, organic, and constantly evolving.” Trends come and go. It's good that leagues look at the rules and adapt or alter them to fit the needs or desires of what they want their competitors to learn. So whether it's a new event, or perhaps a rule was just modified, our desire is to assist you on how to use the rules in unique and interesting ways, using them to the fullest - yet not crossing a line (or even getting close to it)! Staying above reproach. These rules are meant to be followed and understood. Please note, these are OUR understanding of the rules. You should always go to your league and ask for clarification, if needed.

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Interp Lessons I Learned From Last Year – Finding a Piece

Every year, we get asked to help teams find an awesome Duo piece, where can they get their hands on the ultimate Open, or the perfect Humorous Interpretation… Every year my answer sounds somewhat similar, however this year I want to share what I have learned from last year. It's especially important to look at the take aways from the previous year. These are my words of advice when you are starting to look for an Interpretive Speech for this new season... What choice of literature will you choose?

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Picking the Perfect Humorous Interpretation Piece by: Luke Crory

So you think you’re funny huh? Good. Because confidence is key In HI. If you want a joke or action to make the judges laugh you have to not be embarrassed about doing/saying it. You are the performer, the entertainer. If you just walk up and tell jokes no one will laugh. You must keep your audience engaged in the characters and scenes and then your jokes will start to land.

Now… where does one find a book that has rich characters and is funny?

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Oratorical Interpretation – It’s an INTERP!

I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing what's been done with Oratorical Interpretation this year. As I've said in previous articles, this is a great entry-level interp, a fabulous opportunity to study great rhetoric, and a very real creative outlet. What are my coaching take-aways after a couple of tournaments?

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How to Disguise Yourself – Tips from a Master

Last year, I taught a boys’ literature group that went through the canon of Sherlock Holmes stories. One of our lessons after reading many of the mysteries focused on Sherlock’s ability to assume masterful disguises – such that even his dearest friends failed to recognize him.  This skill enabled our sleuth to trail suspects, slip enemy traps, and observe without being observed. As we discussed his various techniques, it struck me that many of these tips also answer the questions I get every year about creating characterizations for interps. So…here’s how Sherlock does it:

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Having a Theme in Speech… Even in Debate

The importance of a theme is something I state often.

As my good friend, NCFCA TP Champion and coach, Rebecca Frazer said, "Good communication is practically always thematic. Your favorite movies are your favorite movies because they leave you with strong, central feelings. Every round strategy–aff or neg–must be centered around a strong theme. Stating a value in a case does not make it thematic, nor does stating a negative philosophy. Some of the best values I have ever seen in debate are so obvious that they don’t even need to be labeled–every argument the team makes ties back to a clear idea that they value. Please don’t let your judge leave the debate round wondering, “Hmm, so I wonder what was really important to them?”

The same is true for Speech. You want your audience to remember you- as well as what you have said, or performed. How?! This can be done by having a theme! A theme can be an underlying topic or recurring idea in your speech. Your memory is powered by your brain, which is full of emotions. Those emotions can be triggered by impacting the audience through a theme. Think about it- a judge will listen to 8 students give a speech for 10 minutes each... That's 80 minutes of speeches! You want  to be sure they remember you! How can that be done?

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Online Interpretive Workshops This Friday – 8/10/18

Speech Season is quickly upon us! Are you planning on doing an Interpretive piece this year? Do you want help making the most of your planning? Join us for any one of these Interpretive Workshops…

Anatomy of Interp/Finding the Right Piece/Literary Merit

Friday, August 10 – 9:20-10:50 ET / 8:20-9:50 CT

Heather Neumann has helped hundreds of students find their perfect piece. In this session we will go over where to look, what type you should be looking for, and what your interp needs for success.

$5 members/$20 nonmembers

Sign up HERE.

Cutting Scenes Without Losing Story/Tips for Cutting

Friday, August 10 – 11:00-12:30 ET / 10:00-11:30 CT

Are you making the most out of your piece? Heather Neumann helps you to understand if your piece is making the cut. Don’t worry if you don’t have a piece for this year picked out. We will have handouts to help apply what we will be covering.

$5 members/$20 nonmembers

Sign up HERE.

Defining Your Characters/Setting the Stage

Friday, August 10 – 1:15-2:45 ET / 12:15-1:45 CT

How well do you really know your characters? When you are performing an Interpretive Speech, it’s your characters that are telling the story. We will analyze “Theater of the Mind” and apply it to speeches. Hands on activities will have us- defining characters (voices, stances, gait, and any other attributes or factors to make them easy for the judges to imagine and distinguish). We will also “Set the Stage” for success by mentally picturing the scene, identifying where things are, and planning movements appropriately, using the space available, imaginary props, etc.

$5 members/$20 nonmembers

Sign up HERE.

If you can’t make it to physical camp or workshop, let Lasting Impact! come to YOU! We are so excited to be offering more online workshops this summer/fall.

Signing up for an Online Workshop is easy!! All workshops are through an online forum called Zoom. It’s a quick and easy download that your instructor will send to you, as part of their introduction email (usually within 24 hours of your workshop).

For a complete list of Online August Workshops, click HERE.

Comedy v. Tragedy – Open to Interpretation

"Woe!  Woe to me!  I have to do my funny piece after a tragedy!?"

I hear it all the time.... Students doing dramatic material bemoan the fact that funny wins.  Students doing funny material hate walking into a room where judges are wiping away tears.  If Dramatic Interpretation and Humorous Interpretation are separated into different rooms, the conflict doesn't occur, but I maintain that there is room for every place on the emotional spectrum in Open Interpretation...

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Drama, Drama, Drama!

I believe the strength of your speech can be linked to the strength of your script (what you have created for competition). However a Dramatic Interpretation is far more involved and has much more depth to be based on script alone. For a great Dramatic Interpretation or a dramatic Open, Duo, or even Original Interpretation to be created, there must be rich content from which to grow. When looking for a script, piece of literature, or play there are several considerations to think about:

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