Twelve years ago, Seven-year-old Serenity mindlessly walked around at her first official Speech and Debate Tournament. Here, I was exposed to interp speeches that exploded my little brain. I watched with awe at the phenomenal acting skills, blocking, and characterization and quickly fell in love and couldn’t wait to begin myself. So, I wrote and performed my first interp speech, which was adorable for a six-year-old. But then something extremely unfortunate happened—I grew up, and twelve-year-old Serenity could no longer hide behind her cuteness. I was abruptly thrown into a new type of competition that required a much higher level of acting, writing, and blocking. After eleven years of writing and competing in interp speeches, I have learned many lessons that have improved my skills over the years. I wanted to share some of the first steps you would need to take as you start writing your own Original Interpretation…
Continue reading “An Original Start for Your Original Interpretation by: Serenity Spada”Category: Interp
Interp 101 – Why Interpretive Speech
For the second year in a row we will be offering Intro to Interpretive Speech (Tuesdays at noon CT). Why!? Because there is a HUGE NEED for students to understand PEOPLE! The Art of Communication isn’t just standing up reciting a speech or debating… it’s about understanding who we are, where are coming from, what we have been through, and so much more. My interpretive/drama students learn this by exploring literature, the stage, characters, settings, scenes, etc. If you have been on the fence about trying out an interpretive speech or want to learn how to get better at it… this is the class/club for you! Instructors, Heather Neumann and Lynda DePasacreta can’t wait to explore the Interpretive Speech Events such as Open, Duo, Humorous, Dramatic, Biblical, and/or Original. You will learn how to pick the right piece of you, how to grow as a character, understanding characters, how to cut a piece, making sure you know what you want to say in an introduction and/or conclusion, and so much more. Together this dynamic duo have coached thousands of students, including National Champions. If you want to become a better speaker in ANY type of speech… add an Interp and sign up NOW!
The Exploratory Stage – Choosing a Topic by: Alaina Hoyt
Whether taking a High School Speech class or preparing to compete in Nationals, choosing the right speech topic can seem daunting. Topic possibilities are endless, ranging from persuasive platforms to abstract interps! The thousands of choices swirling like a storm through your mind or scribbled on your notes may make your head spin, but they don’t have to. Using these principles will provide you with a step-by-step map for any situation, always resulting in the same destination: success. Don’t allow yourself to rush through or be intimidated by, what Heather Neumann calls, The Exploratory Stage…
Don’t Be Afraid To Think Outside of the Box by Emalyn Sharp
The season for contemplating speech topics is upon us, and as camps, clubs, and the start of a new year of Speech and Debate competition approaches, one dreaded question will swirl amongst them all.
What are you giving a speech on?
Continue reading “Don’t Be Afraid To Think Outside of the Box by Emalyn Sharp”Humorous Interp – A Deeper Purpose? By: Nina Romeo
Hallelujah! Humorous Interpretation has returned to the NCFCA. We should all celebrate our triumph in overcoming the great injustice that has been the last two humorousless years. How could they have done this to us? Do they even care? Well, it may come as a shock, but the answer is a resounding yes. They care for the judges who were forced to sit through eighty minutes of poorly timed jokes, an overuse of Patrick McManus, superficial characters, and hyper teens using Humorous as an excuse to be obnoxious. This event was misused for years, and it is my hope that it’s return this year will be stronger and more powerful than ever.
Continue reading “Humorous Interp – A Deeper Purpose? By: Nina Romeo”
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