You’re ready. You’ve been through all the coaching; read all the articles. You have everything you need to win. However, one thing you might not have been taught is what you’re trying to win. The answer seems obvious: “I’m ready to win rounds, medals, and tournaments!” NOT…
Last year when the world seemed to shut down and that nothing would ever be the same, I saw so much disappointment and heart ache. I encouraged my students to remember why they do speech and debate. Their assignment- write a devotional! Why do they want to be good communicators? Who are they doing this for? How did God use them this year? And do they really think it’s all over?? This fall, as we enter a new season, I want you to remember that speech and debate may look a little different, but I can guarantee you, I agree with my student, the Lord still wants to use you…
With the Speech and Debate Season ending abruptly, I felt the need to ask my students to reflect on what God has shown them this year (just like I did with the Senior Devotional Challenge). All of my online speech club students came up with amazing devotionals. I was blown away by what my students had learned, and how God spoke to them, encouraged them, and comforted them. The devo below stuck out to me, this too has been on my heart. My student allowed me to share it with you. Lasting Impact’s Spring Quarter starts next week. If you have a student that longs for connection, I encourage you to check out our class list. Each of these classes are community. Do not let finances hinder. Contact us, if aide is needed. Now more than ever our students need a sense of belonging. Classes are online, only 5 weeks long, and for ages 10-18. Click HERE for more info… to be encouraged keep reading…
Last week both Stoa and NCFCA announced they are canceling their speech and debate seasons. I ache for all of the competitors who abruptly saw their season come to an end, especially the seniors. We know that these decisions were not taken lightly, and much prayer was put into this. The bottom line is there are no guarantees. We have always known this, but we don’t tend to believe it unless it’s staring us in the face. I know for some students, they feel like the rug has been pulled out from under them. However, you are not yet finished…
Below is one of our devotionals from the Lasting Impact! Devotional Book…
Everything you say and do has an unpredictable impact! Speech and Debate is no different!
All too often I see students who are practicing and honing their public speaking skills for the competition, winning trophies, or recognition. I know it can be easy to lose focus on why the art of communication matters.
Speech and Debate is an amazing activity, there is no doubt about that! Learning how to communicate better, the research, the prep, navigating through nerves and relationships, pushing yourself to become stronger, better… and for what!? Life!?! Yes! But would you believe this experience, through Speech and Debate, could be a whole lot sweeter, richer, fuller?? How? By Seeking Him First!
The Lasting Impact! Team has been putting countless hours into this project – “Seek Him First – Devotions for Speech and Debate.” We are excited to share deeper thoughts of growth and encouragement. The experiences range from competitors, parents, club leaders, students, as well as National Champions. Lasting Impact! Founder, Heather Neumann states, “This is about the bigger picture! If we are only participating in Speech and Debate for the competition, then shame on us! Seek Him First is about looking for God in everything we do – including Speech and Debate!”
Each devotion has an Application Page – three questions which students can ponder, offering endless possibilities to apply the devotion to their life. And although there are many Speech and Debate examples, students will be able to apply the Word of God to all of their lives. There are also additional pages for notes that can be used for journaling, note-taking, memory work, or additional scripture references.
Lasting Impact! created this resource to remind students about the bigger purpose behind Speech and Debate. Clubs and families can use it to show how God is in everything we do, including Speech and Debate.
To make this purchase or for more information, CLICK HERE
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