Starting a New Speech… Mid Season

You went to the first tournament and got inspired watching a Duo or Open Interpretation... OR... You just aren't feeling the piece you developed over the last four months... OR... You are suddenly motivated to Persuade people... OR... You have the most epic idea!! What do you do?! Do you wait until next season when you have more time to develop a new Piece? Do you rally to create what could be the next National-level Speech? Before jumping in... Here are some things to think about...

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One and Done Speech?

You think you have a good speech... No it's going to be a great speech! You have big plans for this speech, you can't wait to sink your teeth into it. It's going to be the most epic speech ever! You get sick, or something else unexpected happens (it's called life), and you don't have as much time as you originally thought. The Speech Tournament is just around the corner. Ahhhh! Panic begins to set in. You don't get as much time as you want to work on your speech. You head to The Speech Tournament with wishful thinking.... But the speech falls flat, you stumble through it, it doesn't go as planned... You don't break. You want to give up. Do you forget all the plans you had for it? Will this be a one and done speech? I think you know by now, what my answer is...

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Why Participate in Speech and Debate


Why should you or your student participate in Speech and/or Debate? Every year I love to ask my students at club or at a camp this question. After I get some of the typical responses out of the way, “my mom made me, so I can debate my siblings better, etc.”, we arrive to some pretty fabulous answers.

Public speaking is a very common fear. In fact, most of us who participate in Speech and Debate realize that statistics show the majority people would rather be dead in the coffin, than giving the eulogy! Speech anxiety can lead individuals to feel helpless as well as incapable of communicating with others. One of the best ways to overcome glossophobia is to develop confidence, which only comes through practice. By participating in Speech and Debate, a speaker will have the ability to learn a wide range of different speaking events, ranging from interpretation speeches to persuasion and impromptu speaking.

Below are some of the reasons my students and I have come up with why they should participate in Speech and Debate….

1. Self Confidence

As long as we are alive we are going to continue to communicate. Learning to speak clearly and effectively will benefit us for years to come. The experience one will gain by standing up in front of an audience with professionalism and poise will help to enhance their self confidence. Self confidence is a huge factor for life. Almost all professions have some level of communication, learning the art of communication will only propel you further faster, because you will learn to become more confident.

2. Organization

In order to give a prepared speech, you need to prepare! Learning to get your thoughts and materials all organized and ready for presentation is a big feat! Preparing effective speeches involves reading through research, and writing effectively.

3. Practice makes Perfect

Very rarely does a person write a masterpiece on their first try. By participating in a Speech and Debate League you will write and rewrite, you will give a speech over and over again. You’ll learn to become conscious of timing – when to pause and how long for. You’ll learn about vocal variety – how to shift through changes of volume, speech rate and tone. Your articulation will be become clearer. You are practicing to become an excellent communicator, not just for a tournament or for a first place… For life.

4. Power

By standing up and speaking, you have an amazing sense of power! You have the ability to speak in a way that will change peoples minds. If you’re able to master the skill- you can change minds AND hearts. By finding your power, whether it’s within you, or in your message, you will be honing one of the major aspects of leadership.

5. Being able to think on your feet

Not every situation allows you the time to prepare or process an answer. Limit Prep Speech Categories, as well as Debate pushes students to think on their feet. Being able to quickly establish well thought-up arguments and ideas are qualities that are vital in being a well-rounded communicator.

If these reasons don’t compel you, listen to a past competitor… Erwin Zhu, a University of California Berkeley, Business major, states, “When I look back on high school, the most rewarding and meaningful organization I joined was the Speech and Debate Team. Not only did it allow me to step outside my normal social and academic bubble, it allowed me to become more knowledgeable as well as proficient in public speaking and communication. Many students today still hold an inherent bias towards activities focused on public speaking and argumentation. What’s important to understand is that these activities are not limited to a singular message, but focus on the development of a set of skills – Speech and Debate help you develop your own unique voice, one that can be amplified in whatever career path you choose to pursue. In a world becoming more digitalized and reclusive, it remains important to remember the power of verbal communication of ideas from one individual to another.”

If you have reasons why you think it’s important to participate in Speech and Debate… Please feel free to write in the comment box below!

Guest Post- Competition- Should we all win? By: Gina Reynolds


As we move into the season where some organizations are preparing for Regionals, others Nationals… Another level of competition never-the-less. Regardless of what happens next it is an accomplishment to make it thus far. Can you imagine if it was all just over- no play-offs, no award ceremony, no finish line… Here is the perspective of my dear friend, Gina Reynolds…

By: Gina Reynolds

I recently encountered an attitude that really frustrated me. I guess I should not be surprised in this day and age of changed curriculum and tolerance. We are supposed to applaud everyone, and there are no winners or losers, right?!!? Seriously, this type of thinking is so flawed.

You may be able to try to take competition out of the classrooms, shelter your kids from the “pain”, work to suppress the natural desire to succeed, or portray an attitude that you don’t care but why would you try to do this?

Competition is not only helpful, the American way and all that, but also a very Biblical principle.

1 Corinthians 9:24 ESV “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.”

The writer here is talking about a broader subject but assumes as a universal principle that if you enter a race you do so to win. You are “competing”; it is a given. Our very nature tells us to succeed and do our best. It’s part of life.

We are to strive to do our best. The Bible tells us in 1 Cor. 10:31 ESV, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” I’ve had this one up on my kitchen wall for years. And yes, the writer was talking about food for idols but the principle remains. We are to strive to “glorify” God. Does it really glorify God if we don’t “run is such a way as to win?”

God wants and expects our best. No, we will not always “win”, but if we strive for that we are constantly improving and “doing our best”. It’s a principle I like to call Excellence.

It reminds me of the saying, “If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.”

But can we do things “excellently” apart from competition? Sure, it may be possible. But I have to tell you, if I know I’m bringing my Apple Pie to the fair for judging I am more careful that my crust looks perfect than if I’m serving it for Sunday dinner. Maybe it’s just me, but I seriously doubt it!

I’ve seen it in teaching speech to students. When it’s just for a class the students are not as motivated to turn out an “excellent” speeches, but when they are required to give it at a competition their level of time and effort to do well goes up significantly.

So PLEASE don’t pretend you are not competing when you are, don’t pretend you don’t care, and certainly don’t act like you are all spiritual for having these attitudes. Most certainly please don’t criticize others who are striving to win. God does want us to run in such a way as to win, so go for it!

Iron does sharpen iron, so don’t let yourself get rusty.

Gina Reynolds is the wife to Chris for 28 years and the homeschool mother to Logan (23), Taylor (20), Ariel (19), and Lexie (16). She enjoys encouraging and helping other homeschool moms by leading a local co-op, speaking at conventions and women’s events, vrepresenting Total Language Plus curriculum for the states of MI/IN/OH and IL, coaching speech and debate, and blogging on various subjects of interest to many homeschool families (