Apol Ambassador Summer Prep Picks…

Swimming? Family vacation? A summer job? Camp? What are you looking forward to most this summer? In the midst of all the fun and busy-ness, stop to consider your walk with the Lord and stay faithful in your study of His Word! Below we have compiled a list of fantastic apologetics resources for you to enjoy over the next few months. Our Apologetics Ambassadors Joel, Elizabeth, Rachel, and Kaitlyn gave their top picks for summer prep.

Recommended by… Joel Erickson

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by: Norman Geisler and Frank Turek

Geisler and Turek embark on a rigorous, systematic, and highly entertaining mission to provide rational and scientific justifications for the Christian worldview, and I found their book to be an invaluable resource for Category 2 and the Statement Analysis divisions of all five categories. Not only will you find evidence and statistics, but also witty comments and funny stories to engage your audience.

Finding Truth by: Nancy Pearcey

In my opinion, Nancy Pearcey is the greatest apologist of the twenty-first century, and her book applies the first chapter of Romans to dismantle competing worldviews. A thorough understanding of Romans 1 is great for Category 3, but also assisted me in whatever speech I was giving.

Knowing God by: J.I. Packer
Packer’s work is a contemporary Christian classic, fortifying my perspective on the more theologically inclined cards (particularly Categories 1 and 5). Furthermore, Packer really helped me cultivate a worshipful attitude toward God and called me to view apologetics as a ministry to inspire judges to be in awe of God.

Recommended by… Elizabeth Tomaszewski

Bible Hub (Website)

This website is a vital tool for all of your apologetics research. It presents every English translation available when you search a verse, reminding us that English is not the first language of the scriptures. As an online database for Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, you have the option of researching a word’s original language. It will also present all the verses containing a word throughout scripture. You can look at commentaries and sermons based on the verse and words you are researching. For example, if you want to find information about the trinity, you can look it up as a topic. Or if you want to learn about propitiation, you can see what it means in the original Greek.

Mere Christianity by: C. S. Lewis

Lewis presents a variety of topics in this famous piece of Christian literature. Written for a radio show, the chapters are short and succinct. Lewis brought Christianity to England during WWII. When the Germans were bombing London, he was teaching Christ’s lesson of loving your neighbor. This is an excellent summer read. Mere Christianity will keep you thinking about theology while you enjoy the summer sun.

Recommended by… Rachel Bechtel

A Gospel Primer for Christians by: Milton Vincent.

Do you want to be able to fluently share the gospel with your judges? Do you want to clearly, scripturally, and passionately answer questions from category 3? This short, simple book changed my life because it so clearly explains the impact and glory of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Good Systematic Theology

The three I use regularly are Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem, Basic Theology by Charles C. Ryrie, and an old Abeka textbook treasure, Bible Doctrines for Today by Michael C. Bere. First of all, these hold so much more credibility than google. But second, you can look up topics from every category and find a breadth and depth of information that will not only build up your cards but bless you as you learn more about our amazing God.

A Ready Defense, The Best of Josh McDowell compiled by: Bill Wilson

Overflowing with useful information, arguments, and statistics for all five categories. The book also has a great section on other religions, chock full of interesting examples for your speeches. Besides a systematic theology, I used this book the most in my study of apologetics.

“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with all knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.” Philippians 1:9-10

Recommended by… Kaitlyn Butts

Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM)

This website is incredibly helpful for answering specific questions on a broad range of topics. CARM thoroughly covers nearly every world religion and area of debate in the defense of our faith, often linking you to specific passages of Scripture and other helpful sources!

God-Breathed by Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell is one of my favorite Apologetics authors of all time. This specific book is a wonderful resource for Category 2 since its entire focus is the Word of God. Due to its more recent publication, it also offers facts on brand new manuscript findings and detailed evidence that can bolster your cards.

Know What You Believe by Paul E. Little

This is the first Apologetics book I ever read, and it provides a thoughtful and comprehensive introduction to Apologetics. If you’re just starting on your cards or want an easy-to-read overview of foundational truths, Know What You Believe is a great resource.

Remember Lasting Impact! is having Online Apol. for 2017-2018 school year/speech season. We still have some space left! For more info- click here.