I wanted the Lasting Impact! Community to know that my very dear friend, Karen Gill has created a fantastic resource for helping your elementary students learn communication skills. Like I said last week in my post about creating a Junior Program at Club, starting early will help give your kids priceless tools for their future….
During the elementary years, there is one subject that we intend to do, but possibly fall short, if we even do it at all. This particular subject is GUARANTEED to be used in our kids lives, and I would argue is a skill rapidly disappearing from our culture. In fact, I believe this one skill will determine more of your child’s future than his/her math scores or science studies. I am talking about the art of communication. Specifically, Public Speaking – or at the elementary stage – Presentations or Speech.
If you are a Classical Conversations family or another co-op, I get it! Monday night rolls around and you realize you totally forgot to remind your kid to pull together a speech for Tuesday and so you quickly tell them to grab a book they just read and give a speech on that. Or maybe you are just done trying to convince your son that he cannot do a show-and-tell of his latest LEGO creation for the third week in a row. Somehow, presentations just get forgotten, or demoted under the piles of math and reading and grammar. And each week you vow to do better, but end up showing up the following week under the same scenario.
Part of the struggle is the lack of a defined plan. The other part is that there aren’t exactly many resources that actually lay out how to do a better job. There are great books about Public Speaking, but you are still left wondering how exactly to implement it, and its not like you have a ton of time to come up with a plan on your own.
I am head-over-heels excited about, my dear friend, Karen Gill’s very first product! It will solves the exact problem I described above. Karen has already started implementing her books. She rolled them out to her co-op community first and they have spent the first 8 weeks using the resource. The response she has received is crazy encouraging! It is one thing to create a helpful resource, but it is another thing to hear that your resource actually makes moms/instructors feel successful, and that kids are begging to give their speeches. Best of all, they are building actual real-life, always gonna matter, skills. Every. Single. Week.
Where can you get your hands on these products?
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