2024-2025 NCFCA TP Sourcebook


2024-2025 NCFCA TP Sourcebook
Price: $40

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2024-2025 NCFCA TP Sourcebook
Price: $40

Product Description

The TP Sourcebook is a compilation of cases and practical reference materials, intended as a “starter pack” to help students launch the season quickly and easily. The TP Sourcebook provides important foundational information about the resolution and the key concepts involved, reference information about the countries and agencies covered under the resolution, and a set of cases to help students to begin debating right away.

2024-25 TP Sourcebook Contents:

– A resolutional analysis brief

– Six original affirmative cases (1AC’s)

– Six corresponding affirmative backup briefs

– Six corresponding negative briefs

– Six country-specific fact sheets

– A strategy article on “The Debate Continuum”

The 27-page “Resolutional Analysis” provides a thorough introduction to the resolution and a reference handbook with evidence cards regarding the terms and agencies covered under the resolution. The cases in this year’s sourcebook cover a variety of topics related to US policy, including immigration, foreign aid, tariffs & imports, economic development, global stability and strategies for fighting corruption in Central America.

Sourcebook contents are provided in an electronic folder with separate files for each brief, so students can print the sourcebook sections individually, or in their entirety.

Warning: Some of the content of some of the cases covers mature topics and parents may want to preview the material before providing it to their students.  These topics include references to personal and intimate crimes that are committed regularly in South America.

Fair Use Agreement

Students may download the sourcebook in either a PDF, or DOC (Microsoft Word) version, or both. By downloading the TP Sourcebook, students agree to utilize the materials for their own personal use. They are allowed to share the sourcebook with their partner, but not with other students, unless a student has purchased (but perhaps not printed) the sourcebook for themselves. Students may use the cases and briefs as written, but they also may choose to “personalize” them by adding and adapting the materials with their own ideas and information.


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